True Life in God Messages

Notebook 32 True Life in God 303 the Lord gives you innumerable Signs all around the earth, to warn you, you are living in the end of Times; children, come back to Us, hear Our Calls; pray to Me and I shall intercede for you; come and pray with Love; I am, even though you do not see Me, always with you, your step close to Mine; beloved, We are always Present, please the Lord in remembering His Presence; I bless you all, in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, amen; (The Lord instructed me to read for them from Scriptures: 2 Tm. 3:1-17.) Jesus? I am; feel My Presence; Love loves you; I will prepare always your way in all those meetings; allow My Spirit to breathe in you; I will teach you to be willing, I will teach you not to rise, I will teach you to stay small; My Spirit is upon you; I desire love, love to efface injustice, love to repair the damage inflicted upon My Church, love to feed My starved lambs, love to repay evil, love to quench My insatiable thirst; O My child! tremendous reparations have to be done! tremendous reparations have to be done, but you are so few who are sincere and repair, you are only a handful now; a remnant of My creation are sincere; so many who follow My Signs are attracted only by the sensational and nothing more! you are even seeing1 those souls; My Signs are not given to you to make a sensation on this earth; I solemnly ask all those who are after the sensational to come to Me humbly and pray; come to Me without seeking for miracles, signs and wonders, come to Me with prayers, be holy, repent and go on fast, instead of 1 I recognise those who only go after the sensation. filling your soul with vain illusions, then, because I do not satisfy your spirit, you turn your backs to Me altogether ... where is the Spirit with which I endowed you? let your heart keep My principles; lower your eyes before Me, kneel in My Holy Presence and repent of your wickedness; I, the Lord, will exalt the lowly; come to Me to hear My Voice, come and discover Wisdom humbly and sincerely; My Sacred Heart takes no delight on those who seek the sensational nor on those who affirm to do good, but come out of curiosity, how little will they learn! My child, although you are incapable to understand fully My Wisdom, I have been, and I am, your only Teacher; I am progressing you, step by step, I am educating you in the Ways of Wisdom; I am guiding you in the paths of virtue; do not seek to turn to your left nor to your right, cling to all that I have given you; My child, I offer you My Peace, will you kiss your Lord's Feet? Yes, Lord. come, I am Present; March 6, 1989 peace, I am your angel Daniel ; I am with you, guiding you; I am doing the Lord’s Will, I am praying for you without ceasing; desire the Lord, accept all that He gives you, beware of evil; Chase away evil when it’s near me please! I do; pray, My Vassula, with fervour for this is the way the Lord likes it; never cease praying; come, be in Peace;