True Life in God Messages

302 True Life in God Notebook 32 surrounded by innumerable angels of each order, prostrated before Me, worshipping Me without ceasing, I left My Glory and My Celestial Throne, to descend to you, and save you from the eternal fire; I left Heaven, My Kingdom, to come in your Wilderness and your Desolation in this earth; yes, I left My Throne encircled by cherubims, to come and be born in poverty to deliver you; I, the Sovereign, that the Heavens praise from all Eternity, accepted to be humiliated by men, offering My back for scourging; I allowed them to crown Me with a crown of thorns, I allowed them to mock Me, and to spit on My Holy Face; I have allowed them to crucify Me, all out of Love for you; O children of The Crucified! how could you forget all that I have done for you? Wisdom had descended to be taken by force and by law, I was despised and rejected by men to bear your sufferings, I was nailed to the Wood to free you, I allowed them to pierce Me, and deliver you; I accepted a most painful death, so that your soul may live and be able to share My Kingdom; I let My Blood run out into Rivers, so that you may obtain Eternal Life; for your sake, I allowed Myself to be taken for a sinner; today My Wounds are re-opened because of the iniquity of this generation; I am for countless hours calling you to conversion: return to Me! I love you with an everlasting Love! come and make Peace with Me; I shall not punish you, I shall liberate you; I shall not call you Godless anymore, you will be called My-Own; you are not fatherless, you have a Father already in Heaven, a Father most Tender; all I ask from you is a recognition; return to Me and I shall espouse you to Myself forever; I will crown you with Integrity, with Loyalty, with Purity, and with great Tenderness I will teach you to be faithful to Me, capturing your love which I will place in My Heart, to embellish it; like a Spouse, I will adorn you with My Love and My Peace; beloved ones, do not fear Me; O come! come to Me, fall into Love’s Arms, I shall not reprimand you; I am here to forget and forgive; do not be so willing to fall into Satan’s traps, open your eyes and see, open your ears and hear My Cry from above, open your heart and understand that it is I, Jesus, who calls you; I have created your soul to live forever, will you meditate upon this? I am Holy, happy are those souls garbed in holiness, for the Gates of Heaven shall not resist them; but woe to these souls who have not washed themselves clean, but are filled with stains; these will not be able to enter into My Kingdom; convert yourselves and follow My Way by hearing My Merciful Call; meditate on My Message, live My Message; I, the Lord Jesus Christ, love all of you, with all My Heart I love you; I bless each one of you;  (The following message is also given for Biarritz (France) by Our Holy Mother:) praise the Lord! bless the Lord! children, listen to the Words of Wisdom, never deny the Lord, seek the Truth, and do not resist the Truth; ask yourselves this: “why has the Lord announced Himself to us?” beloved, the Lord has come to you out of Love and Pity, for today so many have gone astray, without realising where they are heading to; your era is dead and Jesus seeks your soul to revive it again; allow your hearts to open, allow the Lord to enter your hearts, how else would He heal you? I am your Holy Mother, who weeps day and night over your strayed souls;