True Life in God Messages

Notebook 31 True Life in God 301 March 1, 1989 (St Michael’s Message for the reunion.) Vassula, Glory be to God! praised be the Lord! The Lord’s Mercy is Boundless, the Lord’s Grace is upon you; awake! awake! come back to the Lord all those who have abandoned the Truth, return and repent! pray for the conversion of your brethren, take heed upon the Lord’s warnings; peace, peace, make peace with God! I, Saint Michael, am near you, to defend you; pray without ceasing, your prayers are needed more than ever these days of Lent; I bless you in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, amen; March 3, 1989 (Mary’s message for the reunion.) peace be with you, My beloved ones; today I am asking you to persevere with Love; I want to encourage you all; glorify God by keeping faithful to Him; devote yourselves entirely to God; let this flame that is flickering now, revive and become a Living Torch for every eye to see; be firm in your faith and open your hearts entirely to the Lord and receive Him with joy; praise the Lord for sending you His Merciful Calls; do not expect any new revelation; His Calls are only a reminder of the Divine Truth, a reminder of how to live holy, a reminder that God is Love; God is reminding you of the Fundamental Truths; so fill your minds with everything that is true and pure; do not leave an empty space inside you lest the Tempter comes and deceives you; so fill yourselves with the Divine Love of God, for you were created to love; pray for Peace, pray for the conversion of your brethren, pray for a greater love among you; I am beside you to help you and I will intercede for you, so do not hesitate and come to Me; I am your Mother who will always help you; come to the Lord with love and He will fill you with His Peace; ask with love and you will receive; pray with love and you will be heard; have My Peace, remember to live Our Messages; I bless you all in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, amen; March, 1989 (Messages for Biarritz in France. These messages were given to me now, to be read there during the Holy Week.) peace be with you all; I am the Lord, beloved ones, to you I come through My servant and through her I will speak; ah, My beloved, I give My Peace to this house; come, come and listen to Me now; I am your God and your Creator who breathed into you Life; I have sanctified you with love, I am the Source of Sublime Love and I have created you out of Love to love Me your God; souls! you belong to Me, you are My seed; I desire you to understand fully My Words; believe in My Holy Works, believe in My Infinite Love and My Superabundant Mercy, believe in Me; I descend out of Mercy to revive you, to arise you from this Lethargy that has now covered your eyes like a veil; I am Jesus and Jesus means Saviour; how could I see you wandering away into deeper depths of obscurity and not rush to your rescue? I, who am the Lord, the Holy of Holies, and Who is