True Life in God Messages

Notebook 31 True Life in God 299 I love you all with an everlasting love and because of this Infinite Love I descend in several parts of this earth to warn you; do not misunderstand Me, taking these warnings as menaces; I am Holy and I desire you who are fashioned to My Image, to live Holy; I have, since the beginning of Times, raised up saints and prophets, to remind you that I am Holy; I have prepared you all for this Day, this Day of My Purification, where My Spirit of Fire will be thrust upon you and clean all wickedness away; It will clean all that is unholy; be prepared for this Day and hear My Cry, hear My plea; let the wise man understand these Words: come back to Me, return, I am your Refuge; recognise the Signs, recognise those Signs of the End of Times! do not close your ears, do not shut your eyes, recognise the Times ... remember that I, the Lord, am your Refuge; beloved souls, be steadfast; I bless each one of you, I bless your beloved ones;  February 26, 1989 Lord? I am; have My Peace; I have been teaching you now for more than three years, have I not? Yes, Lord, You have. have confidence then, I shall not abandon you now; My bonds are Eternal Bonds, you are linked to Me, I and you, you and I, forever in union of Love; O yes! 1 desire Me, you are under My Grace; desire Me, your God; desire Me, 1 I suddenly had a nostalgia for my Heavenly Father, a nostalgia to be with Him, nearer; I felt like an orphan, a widow, it is very painful this desire of God. your Father; let Me feel that you do not belong to the world; please Me, flower, and turn to Me seeking My Light; be thirsty for Me, just like a flower which needs a keeper to maintain its beauty; need Me, need My Light, need My Springs; grow, beloved one, grow in your faith; come, I shall whisper in your ear, the part from Scriptures, that you will read in the next meeting; lean on Me and I will support you; remember, you are nothing, allow Me in your nothingness to be Everything; I will always check your lamp’s oil, I will never leave it dry; I will keep your flame lit, I will never leave you in obscurity; My Guidance will be in Peace, so I want you to never take Me out of your sight; Lord? I am; Can I ask You something? feel free and ask; Lord, You have risen me from the dead, have You not? I have resurrected you; Lord and Saviour, You are feeding me in great abundance, You are watching over me day and night lest evil may befall me, You lift me to You when I am about to be trampled by my persecutors, You are my Keeper, Guide, Teacher, Spouse, Holy Companion, You are God most Tender; allow me to ask You, Lord, this: You have poured on me Your Spirit, will You not pour out Your Spirit on my brethren too? You have sought me among the dead and have risen me, will You not raise the rest of the dead?