True Life in God Messages

296 True Life in God Notebook 31 priests; pray for the sheep that are not under the guidance of Peter to return to Peter and reconcile; pray so that you may be but one Fold and one Shepherd; pray for Peace, Unity and a greater love among you; pray that you may praise Me all around One Tabernacle; unite, My beloved, and be one, like My Father and I are One and the Same; I bless you all from the core of My Heart; My Vassula, will you write down My Message? Yes, Holy Mother. Peace be with you; My beloved ones, today, I will ask you all to augment your prayers for unity, this Unity that My Son desires so much; pray for those priests who are dispersed, to return to the Fold, the one and only Fold of Peter; pray that they may unite with sincerity; pray for Peace and for those children who are not reconciled with God; pray for those false kingdoms, those floating kingdoms, that they may understand how wrong they are; come and praise the Living God Who manifests Himself in different places these days; praise Him for His Infinite Love and Mercy; His Graces will continue to pour on all humanity; let those who receive Him, bless His Holy Name; bless Him, for He is a Loving Father; all those that have ears let them hear this loud Cry from Heaven: “Be holy for I am Holy!” My flowers, live Our Message, live Our Message; you have obtained all His Mercy, try to understand God’s Will; be His children of Light; I bless you, in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit; amen; February 15, 1989 My Vassula, never get discouraged, for before you I stand, and to whom can you compare Me to? I am the Beginning and the End, the Eternal One, for I Am, I was, and will be for ever and ever; My Word will be known all round this vault; those that kick upon My Word will find themselves kicking against a goad; in every corner of the world will arise many more persecutors, they will, like enormous blocks of granite, form a fence to block My Way for all humanity; from the beginning I knew them to be heartless, filled up with boast and treachery, a devastating wilderness; their armies will rise up all in vain; with one single blow of My Breath, I shall overpower them, sweeping them away; I am the Lord, your Holy One, and I am known to have overthrown kings and kingdoms, so that My Word be known; I have, with My Power, toppled thrones and brought to shame those that call themselves, “authority”, and so will it be this time; I shall strip them naked for every eye to see, I deferred My anger long enough; today, I, the Lord, solemnly request them to come down from their thrones and repent! My Spirit will keep pouring on mankind and no man, no matter how hard they try to suppress It, no man will succeed to crush It; woe to those who tread upon My Spirit! unfaithful and hypocrites will be wiped away with My Breath; if they only knew, how I hold back My Justice from falling on them, they would never cease praying and repenting; if they only knew what I am offering and Who it is that is saying to them all: “Unite! unite! be one now, as