True Life in God Messages

294 True Life in God Notebook 31 them in My Sacred Heart, they will be like doves with purity and My Sacred Heart will be their cote; look around you, do you not see? have you not noticed, how many of My brothers are plotting against Me? I’m being betrayed, My child, by My very own; Lord, why do they do this to You? Maybe they do not really realise it! My child, they are blinded by Vanity and Disobedience; They are sincerely thinking they are doing right! how could they believe they are doing right since they are breaking My Law! they are disobeying, and disobedience does not come from Me! they are following My adversary’s law, they are placing their feet right into his footprints and they are led to their own destruction and fall! like the East wind I will scatter these rebels, just wait and see; plead on their behalf; love Me and appease My Justice; glorify Me by bringing to Me souls for their salvation; My Eyes are especially upon the youth of this dark era; come, let us pray to the Father, “O Father, take pity on your children, especially the young ones, take these souls and place them under Your wings, rescue them from the Evil one, redeem them from the Lethargy that surrounds them, fill them with Your Holy Spirit of Truth and bring them in Your Light for ever and ever, amen;” come, rest, My child, I shall never forsake you; they1 will not succeed to take away from you the Light I have given you; do not fear, I am with you; come, us, we? My Presence? Yes Lord, I love you to death. February 5, 1989 Vassula, have My Peace; allow Me to clarify My Message; you are not to take any parts to the word; you simply cannot do these things I require of you; to start with, even though I write, “you”, it is not really you yourself! how many times have I written “revive My Church, Vassula”? I will revive My Church with My Power; flower, I will be the One who will bless My children of Garabandal; My flower, I mean to unite My Church; have I not also written, “unite My Church, Vassula”? now, do you really think that it will be you who will unite My Church? there again My Words are symbolic; now you know, so do not deceive yourselves any longer, I will do all the Work; My angels, I have given you many graces, use them, do not get muddled up! be in Peace; feed My lambs with My Divine Message and depend on My Guidance; I love you all; February 9, 1989 (The Lord woke me up at midnight and asked me to write down a message:) I have called you, Vassula; hear Me: be firm, be firm like a rock, do not be like quicksand; I have chosen you, in spite of your weakness, nevertheless, I knew you would not swallow up My Words, like quicksand; My Word shall 1My persecutors.