True Life in God Messages

Notebook 30 True Life in God 283 I have said to you all that the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My Name, will teach you everything and remind you of all I have said to you; I am not giving you any new doctrine, I am only reminding you of The Truth and leading those who wandered astray, back to the complete Truth; I, the Lord, will keep stirring you up with Reminders and My Holy Spirit, the Advocate, will always be among you as the Reminder of My Word; so do not be astonished when My Holy Spirit speaks to you; these reminders are given by My Grace to convert you and to remind you of My Ways; come; smile at Me when you see Me, flower; Ah Lord! Blessed be Your Name. Thank You for Your teachings. Wisdom will instruct you, child; we, us? Forever and ever! December 21, 1988 Lord, it must probably sadden You when some people misunderstand Your Love in Your Message and compare it with sentimental love! (I had heard some remarks, one or two, from certain people.) Lord? I am; My love in this era is not appreciated or understood; you know how much I love My children, 1 I love them to folly! but the sins of your era are so grave and so great that it does not recognise Me, your God, any longer! have they 1Jesus in saying this turned to me and faced me. forgotten the ransom I have paid for them; I was humiliated, tormented, tortured and willingly suffered a most painful death, all out of love; how then, could I not repeat Myself, telling you millions of times how much I love you? and of trying to make you understand Its depths and Its greatness, I am repeating Myself and I will keep repeating Myself until My Words penetrate in your heart! even now I am ready to repeat My Passion, unsparingly; O creation! how much suffering you give Me! My Love for you is Infinite; try and understand this Love; December 24, 1988 (Christmas Eve) Jesus? I am, beloved; Today is the Eve of Your Birth. Lord! I rejoice so very much Beloved One, Holy of Holies! Praised be our Lord! O God, dissolve me in Your Holiness and show me how to live holy. Dissolve me Eternal One in Your Purity purifying me. Beloved One, sanctify us Your children, and unite us all into one Fold, glorifying You and praising You around one Tabernacle. Allow Your Holy Spirit of Truth to descend upon all of us to show us The Truth. Let Your Light be our Guide in this obscurity, and lead us in The Truth, bringing us all under one shepherd until Your Return. Lord, COME! ah beloved soul, I will enfold you all into one Fold and My Own Arms will be your