True Life in God Messages

280 True Life in God Notebook 30 are many ministers that believe in God’s present signs and revelations, but for fear of being persecuted, they hide their feelings; those ministers should pray, pray, pray, asking Jesus’ Sacred Heart for courage; Jesus will give them courage; I will end up My Message by blessing you, in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit; (Jesus:) Vassula, edit My Message; I desire to give this Message to all those who came to us; aahh My child, let them feel My Sacred Heart! five of My Wounds are wide open for all to come in and share My pains! beloved, it is I, Jesus, Jesus, your Saviour, manifesting Myself through this weak instrument, to give you all and to the entire Nations My Holy Message of Peace and Love; I, who am Sovereign and above all, bend all the way to you, My little flowers, to be able to reach you; out of My Infinite Love and out of My Boundless Mercy I come to offer you My Peace and My Love; I am the Light of this world, and I come to shine on this dark world, in which you are now living; little flowers, you need My Light; like any flower needing light and the rays of the sun to live, you too, need the Rays of My Love to live for Love and in love, for such are the riches of My Grace; I love you creation to folly! Continue your prayers, your penitences and your acts of love, for all these acts are a balm to My Wounds; I love you, and because of this love I have for you, I will see that in this desert that your era has become, new grains will sprout, grains of Peace and Love; I will descend among the dead to revive them and make out of them devoted servants of Mine, honouring My Holy Name and glorifying Me; little flowers, the days are so near, those days I have been telling you about, of a New Earth and of the Era of Love which will descend from above; all this will happen; thus, Scriptures are fulfilled; beloved, children of My Light, be united and always near Me, be with Me, and pray for your brethren who are lost; pray for those sacerdotal souls who wound My Sacred Heart by denying My Signs; disperse My Message of Peace and Love, proclaim It to all Nations; glorify Me by distributing this Harvest1which is ready, It will nourish many; My Eyes and those of your Holy Mother are upon you; We give you Our Peace; take this Peace and share It with others; I bless all of you;  December 16, 1988 Lord? I am; here is My Message for the reunion of today; I will ask My flowers this: flowers of Mine, I will ask you all to learn how to pray; when you pray, pray from your heart, I need prayers that come from your heart and not from your lips; do not pray quickly, recollect yourselves and pray slower, looking at Me; I am Present, let your prayers reach Me; learn to be in constant prayer; by this, I do not mean to have you on your knees endless hours, no; but just in remembering My Presence, you will be in constant prayer; your minds will be lifted towards Me; all that you say, or do, or think will be for Me; I need devotion and fidelity; love Me without measure and desire Me; 1The Messages.