True Life in God Messages

Notebook 30 True Life in God 279 My Eyes with more Tears of Blood? 1 ... I beg you, just like a beggar, who has been lamed by his own friends, to return, all of you, to Peter and be one, like the Father and I who are One; I am also calling all those who reject My Mother, 2 to open their ears and hear, My Mother is the Queen of Heaven; She is by Name, Mother of God; I am not blaming those who had not known, I am only trying to bring you back to The Truth; I also call out for the conversion of this world, I am also reminding those who have forgotten My Omnipotency that they should not compare Me to themselves; 3 I am reminding you all that you are living in the End of Times and thus My Signs have increased ... Scriptures are being fulfilled ... I am Peace and Love; I, your Lord Jesus, am ever so Merciful, yes, My Mercy is Great; believe in My Mercy, never forgetting though, that I am also a God of Justice; My purification, which I will send down, will be out of love; do not misunderstand or misinterpret this by calling it: menaces from God; I am not menacing you, I am warning you out of love; just like a father who warns his child, and who tries to reason with him, bringing him back to his senses, I, too, am trying to reason with you and show how wrong and misled some of you are, and how sins can obstruct My Light; I come to wake you up, because many of you are in deep sleep; I am coming to you all out of My Boundless Mercy, to revive the dead; I come to ask you, out of My Infinite Love I have for all of you, to repent and change your lives and be holy; live in holiness, for I am Holy; 1 Jesus’ portrait appeared in extreme suffering. His Eyes were filled with Blood with a blood-crust around... 2The Protestants. 3Those who rationalise God’s works of now. I give you My Peace so that you are in Peace and that you may give this Peace to your brethren; come now, recollect yourselves in prayer at the end of this year; come and love one another as I your Lord love you; I bless each one of you;  December 7, 1988 (Message for the group.) (St. Mary:) My Vassula, have My Peace; beloved children, I bless you; I am your Holy Mother who suffers just like you, for the aridity that is being spread; do not get discouraged, I am by your side; I will encourage you to diffuse Jesus’ Message of Peace and Love; behold, Jesus is manifesting His Message through this weak instrument, a frail flower whom He formed; but many ministers will refuse to believe, they do not seem to understand God’s Infinite Wealth! many of them would not believe, even when they would see that sinners believed and repented! these sinners will get into the Kingdom of Heaven before these ministers will; do not fear, My beloved; I, your Holy Mother, see all that is happening, I will encourage you always; I will always console you, have faith and lean on Jesus always; Vassula, My child, happy are you when people abuse you and persecute you and speak all kinds of calumny against you on Jesus’ account; rejoice and be glad, for your reward will be great in Heaven; this is how they persecuted the prophets before you, My child; 4 there 4Mt. 5:11-12.