True Life in God Messages

278 True Life in God Notebook 30 questions, just accept what I have given you; ah My child! I was behind your doors for years! Forgive me, Lord. I have forgiven you; I am not reproaching you, since this is a past thing; I only wish to show you the joy My Sacred Heart has, for I am now with you again; I have formed you to receive Me; so please My Sacred Heart and receive My children; in receiving them, you are receiving Me; I am bringing them all the way to your door-step; sacrifice your time; they need my Peace, they need to be encouraged; encourage them to approach Me intimately, but, nevertheless, never forgetting that I am Holy; Lord, is it Your wish to have these meetings? it is My Will; cling to Me and let Me lead you; abandon yourself to Me; I, Jesus, am before you; Lord, it is all right, is it not? Reading the messages in these meetings? you are glorifying Me, beloved; I thank you, my Lord! never forget that I am leading you, trust Me; those who love Me will learn to grow in My Love, so that they in their turn may bring others to Me to love Me; My Sacred Heart is in Flames of Love and ever so eager to draw all of you in Its depths; I thirst for love; all I want from you is Love, because Love is the Root of the Virtuous Tree; come, all those who have not reconciled with Me, come, come and Reconcile and have My own Peace; 1 come and share My Love, come all those who still have not understood Me, make Peace with Me, come and make Peace with Love; I, your Lord Jesus Christ, wish you to become My Children of Light; yes, My disciples of Peace and Love, honouring Me; Oh Lord! Some will be persecuted like all other times! I know, My child; some will be persecuted by those whose hearts are still closed and reason with their minds and not with their hearts; but by My Grace, I shall draw many of these too in My Sacred Heart; little flowers, courage, I am beside you and My Eyes are upon you, so do not fear; it is My desire to have My Message of Peace and Love diffused from North to South and from East to West, so have faith in Me; I have been preparing It in secret for your Era; I ask in My Message that My Churches unite, for as the Father and I are One, My Church must also be One, all united and into one Fold; I have chosen Peter to be your guardian and guard you in the Truth until My Return, but men have disobeyed Me, they have split, declaring their own rules; I am telling you truly, do not listen to those who oppose Peter, Peter-of-MyLambs, who is John Paul II now ... for he is My chosen one and the beloved of My Soul; do not listen to those who condemn him, they have been led astray; beloved ones, when you have recently split, part of Me was torn off; yes, they did not realise that they have torn a part off My Body; oh My beloved ones ... do I deserve this? ... why tear My Heart? ... why tear on your God’s Heart? ... why fill 1Jn. 14 : 27.