True Life in God Messages

Notebook 29 True Life in God 277 Heart bleeds to watch all this from My Cross; My Eyes are filled with Tears of Blood; I am giving you all so many signs, yet, very few notice them; come to Me in your prayers, I am Present and I am listening to you! come in your Saviour’s Arms; give Me your faults and I will purify you and heal you, I will divinise you for I am Divinity, I will perfect you! come to Me as you are, do not fear Me; I am a Loving God, I am full of Mercy for the wretched ones, I am a God full of Pity! pray to Me, talk to Me, do not hesitate! I am eagerly waiting for you ... My Love for you all is so Great, that I, who am the Holy of Holies, the Eternal One and Sovereign of all My Creation, bends all the way down to you to be able to reach you and heal your infirmities; I am among you always and till the end; ... blessed are those who propound My Message of Peace and Love! blessed are those who come to Me and console Me; be one with Me; remain in My love forever; most beloved children, I am your Holy Mother, I am the Mother of all Humanity; My beloved ones, Jesus is suffering beyond human words, He is now in His second Passion! feel Our Hearts, how they suffer ... today there is a great battle going on; Satan is attacking ferociously and St. Michael is battling him with God’s angels; the earth feels the vibrations of this great battle; I need your prayers, beloved ones, never cease praying ... pray, My beloved ones, be like shining angels of light in this obscurity; pray for the redemption of souls; pray, My beloved ones, for the conversion of souls; I count each one of you ... please understand how a mother would feel when she sees her children heading towards an eternal fire, and how she feels to see some of her beloved ones fall in this eternal fire ... meditate on this and you will understand Me better; I will end up My Message by blessing you in the Name of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit; come, andconsole Jesus ... My Lord? I am; I am always happy when I see you trying hard to please Me, in reliving the Mysteries while praying the Rosary; blessed child, teach others too, to pray the Holy Rosary slower; it is of no use praying quickly from just your lips; every prayer should come from the heart; you have to feel what you say, so take your time by meditating every Mystery; Thank You, my Lord. December 3, 1988 (Message given for the meeting of December 16.) My Lord? I love You, I desire to be with You, thank You for giving me this grace, this gift to be with You and feel You so near. Thank you for teaching me and lifting me to You. Glory be to God. Praised be our Lord. Blessed be our Lord. Lord? I am; rebound My Sacred Heart by believing with a child-like-faith; do not seek why I have chosen you and lifted you to Me ... just accept without the whys and whos; do not raise any