True Life in God Messages

276 True Life in God Notebook 29 (Jesus’ Sacred Heart is the most gentle, warm and forgiving of all hearts.) How could I resist You? (Message for our meeting:) I am Love; I am the Supreme Source of Love, so do not resist Me; come to Me, plunge in Me, for I am an Ocean of Tenderness and Peace; draw all of you from My Sacred Heart to fill up your hearts; I will embellish you, I will perfect you; come and eat from Me and you shall live forever, 1 for I am the Living Bread, the Bread of Life! 2 beloved ones, do not doubt of my Providential Calls; I am still among you all, I am in your meetings, assisting and present, feel My Presence; I am The High Priest who speaks in your hearts and encourages you all to approach Me, I am trying ever so much to draw you near Me; ah! how I long to hold you all in My arms and with great Tenderness embrace you all! how I long for you to approach Me and become intimate with Me! I am your High Priest, but also your Holy One, your Brother, your Companion, your Spouse, I am your Creator and you are all My seed ... Vassula, I am and will always be in these meetings; your discourses will come from Me, out of My Mouth your words will come; 3 have I not said that I am going to water My orchard and irrigate My garden? I will spread above you all, like morning-mist, leaving on you all My Dew of Peace and Love; so do not resist Me, I intend to embellish you, creation! blessed are those who will open themselves to Me and allow My Dew of Peace and Love penetrate in them; blessed are those who are faithful to Me and Love Me, for I shall draw them even 1Jn. 6:51. 2Jn. 6:35. 3Meaning that God will give me the right words. closer to Me and cover them with My Love; you are created in My Image and you are called to live in this Image, an Image that many of you have forgotten, but, I, The High Priest, shall remind you of My Divinity and of My Holiness; I shall remind you that I am Holy; Jesus? I am; I shall remind you all that I am Holy, so that you live holy; I am Love and out of My Infinite Love, I am giving you warnings and signs in various places all around the globe; have I not said that the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My Name, will teach you everything and remind you all that I have said to you? (St Mary:) flower, have My Peace; careful now, be obedient and you will have nothing to fear; O Vassula, Jesus loves you boundlessly; He cares for you; you and He are sharing His Cross; Jesus will never abandon you, ever; yes, I am, come, take your rest; I am with you; we, us? Jesus? (Continuation of message given for the meeting.) I am; I am your Lord, the Crucified; children of My Soul, beloved of My Heart, Love is suffering profoundly; understand how I feel; I feel abandoned, forgotten and betrayed by My own; I am today on My Cross and in My second Passion; the earth is dryer than ever before and you, beloved ones, suffer from the consequences; you are the victims; many of you are being starved, others are constantly deceived by the Evil one, how I pity you all! My