True Life in God Messages

274 True Life in God Notebook 29 Body, their hearts melted like wax; do not weep, My child; ...My Voice will be carried by strangers; when you hear the Echo, know that it came from Me; I will be exalted by strangers who never sought Me, I will be glorified by those who never knew Me; and I will become their Master and teach them, and their faults I will dispel; I will reason with them and they will understand Me; they will heal My Wounds; I am The Shepherd, and I shall gather My lambs, since they were struck by their shepherds and dispersed; O Vassula, all this will be fulfilled, so soon now; come, rest in Me; allow Me to rest in you; bonded in love, let us share; Yes, My Lord. we, us; For eternity, amen. November 16, 1988 (Since yesterday Satan is attacking me ferociously. Jesus had warned me. Satan knows my weak points and he goes for these points. My weakest point is my insecurity for this revelation, mainly because of who I am. I’m not angelical nor holy, I blunder a lot and really know nothing. Then, I sometimes feel that Jesus is not adding any extraordinary supernatural signs, like with other mystics. So Satan attacks me there and nourishes those weak points for his convenience, tormenting me.) Vassula, it is I, the Lord; every time you doubt, I plunge into a deep sadness, My Heart hurts; ... are you willing to continue My Work? Say, “Glory be to God and Blessed be Our Lord”. 1 Glory be to God, Blessed be Our Lord! Vassula! 2 ..... Vassula, My child, do not get deceived by Satan; he is fighting you with suggestion, he is fighting My Plan; every time your foot goes a step up, he rages with fury; I am beside you, little one, to warn you; Vassula, My signs are limited this time for this revelation; I get more glorified giving it in this way, I have explained to you why; I want that Faith comes first, without having too many extraordinary signs within this revelation; I want it simple; I have told you that the only sign I will give is you yourself and your fruits, which are mainly the conversions; I know how faith is missing in your era, that is why you will be persecuted, but, was I not persecuted, too? I was disbelieved in spite of My Fruits; I am giving you many graces, Vassula, although you merit none; I have servants who merit so much more than you, yet I am limiting them with graces; I am not judging you, I am only reminding you; all I ask from you is love; love Me your God with all your soul and with all your mind for I have created you to love Me, to love me with a special love, deep, fathomless; I have opened My Gates in Heaven and allowed you in; I welcomed you in My Hall, where only the Elect are to be found; I have told my Elect of My Plan of Salvation; it is out of My Boundless Mercy, I have been preparing It, in secret; I announced it in My Hall to Them; I told Them that I had My Eyes set on you, I said that I would choose the least of all My creatures, the weakest and the most wretched of all eternity, so as to show My Great Mercy and My Authority; I have descended all the way down to 1 I was suspicious. 2Jesus’ voice was so very soft and tender. I melted.