True Life in God Messages

Notebook 29 True Life in God 273 My beloved, whom I sanctified, take My Hand and proceed with Me; I will instruct you with Wisdom; (Suddenly, I felt the Lord’s presence vividly.) Vassula, do you know how I delight in you when you believe fully? 1 (Jesus was so very happy! I too...) discern Me, it pleases Me so much; come; we, us? Yes; we, us. November 15, 1988 (Today I felt Jesus’ Cross on my shoulders. I felt His Heart filled with tremendous pain, how He suffers… for the world that rejects the Lord.) Lord. I am; feel My Cross, rest Me, My child of Light; I am so weary, stay near Me; I need to be consoled in this desolation; My Vassula, hear Me and write; O creation! My seed! I am your Holy One, but you are condemning Me; I have loved you from all Eternity, but you are despising Me; I have delivered you from Death, yet you are attacking Me; I am feeding you daily with My Bread and filling you with My Wine but in your evil you are offending Me; I thirst for Love, but you abandon Me in My thirst; I welcome you when I see you weary, to rest you in My Heart, yet when I am weary, you reject Me; I open My Heart to you, showing you how you have wounded It, but in your wickedness, you are repeating your stabs, piercing Me through and through; I open My Arms to 1 In the actual Presence of Our Lord. welcome you, and embrace you, but you turn away, giving Me your backs; full of tenderness, I open My Sacred Heart to warm you, yet when I come to you, you shut your door in My Face, leaving Me outside in the cold; like a beggar I call you all day long, stretching out My Hands to you, to raise you and heal you, but you, instead, ignore Me and reject Me; My Eyes and those of My Mother are worn out with suffering; My Body is afflicted by Its Wounds, beyond recognition; all I ask from you is Peace and Love, but you refuse to hear My pleas ... I have come to My own first, but again, I was rejected by them, despised and persecuted; you hounded Me, treating Me as a jester, you betrayed Me2 ... your betrayal has cost Me every tear left in My Eyes, your wickedness has pierced all Eternity, leaving even the demons gaping at your wickedness; aahh Vassula ... I have come, out of pity and great Mercy, to warn you and deliver you from Death; I have conveyed you to My own, but they muffled down My Voice, for fear of coming out to Light and exposing their guilt; since they muffle My Voice, and do not welcome My Spirit of Truth, I shall have their sins exposed by strangers; I shall have My Voice sound like a trumpet on the roofs of your houses... 3 I have been welcomed by strangers who never knew Me; I knocked at their door and they allowed Me to enter; in spite of their poverty, they let Me share their meal; they have, out of their poverty, not sought Me, yet, they have found Me; I have showed them My Wounds made by My best friends, and they knelt in front of My Wounds; on seeing Them, struck by Their depth, struck by the savagery inflicted on My 2Jesus’ Voice was full of bitterness. 3Pause. Then sadly.