True Life in God Messages

272 True Life in God Notebook 29 foundation and robust structure of Her Body; they are the purifying incense within Her; these souls, I, the Lord, will exalt, and place them in My New Jerusalem forever; their New Home will be given to them from above, for from above My New Name will be given to you again and they and I will be one; you, My people, with My New Name, you shall not be called godless, but I shall return to you My Name; when My Day comes, I shall withdraw all evil and have it locked; I, the Lord of Love, will let this New Earth sprout with seeds of Love, I will open her up and even from the rocks I will let new springs flow out of them; I will indeed flourish My Garden; for your sake, I will allow My holy angels to descend on you to nourish you; I will allow My Saints to become your instructors, instructing you in My Holy Word, guiding you, as your friends; and Love will reign in every heart and Virtue will be worn as a crown for all My people of My New Earth; I have promised you long ago of this New Earth and I am keeping My Promise; It shall soon be fulfilled; I will descend though before this to purify you; I will purify you as gold is purified in fire, all impurities will be consumed in this Fire; I will have to do all these things, to wash away all this impurity that covers this earth like a curse; I am solemnly telling you that everything that came to pass and is to pass had already been announced to you, every word has been written in My Scroll, this Scroll that shall be opened, read, then consumed; I, the Lord, have purified My Scroll by My own Blood, so eat It; read Me ... pray, creation, that Wisdom may descend upon you to nourish you and enable you to unveil the truths and mysteries that lie still hidden in My Wisdom Books; pray for discernment; repent often and I will always forgive you; daughter, have My Peace; I love you for allowing Me to use your little hand; I will end up My Message of today by saying: “let those who have ears hear;” come, I bless you; we, us? For eternity, Lord. Praised be the Lord. Amen. November 14, 1988 (Today I looked at Padre Pio’s picture, a great Saint according to Jesus’ words. Below his picture, in an enveloped cellophaned space, lies a piece of his clothes, dark-brown, for he was a Capuchin. By looking at him I know that I had received this picture with a small piece of his clothes because he wanted it. So I prayed to him, as he is a great Saint and asked him to improve me in what I have worst in me. Then, on second thoughts, since I’m probably loaded with evil things, I asked him to pick up at least two things from me. I suggested that he helps me efface entirely all my vanity and to strengthen my faith in the Lord.) Lord? I am; I have inspired you to ask Padre Pio to intercede for you; come, today you will write My Message without hearing Me; I will lead your hand alone: (Now Jesus dulled my hearing.) “repent often, bring to Me all your faults that I may forgive them; come to Me as you are and I will perfect you; Glorify Me, by loving Me, praise Me all the time; I am the Lord;” (This was written as the Lord wished.)