True Life in God Messages

Notebook 29 True Life in God 271 rebellion has spread like fog, penetrating even in My House, dictating Peter what to do, Peter, who is their leader; yes, they do not listen to him and behind his back he is being cursed, cheated; they do not listen to him and they push him aside; oh he knows all this, but they are too many opposing him, too many betraying him; My House has become a House of Rebels; very few are left in there who acknowledge Me and honour Me; I, the Lord, will descend in the day of Purification, along with all the Saints and My angels and purge all this evil away; from the North to the South, from the East to the West, My Fire shall descend! wait and you shall see ... Jesus? you have done well child, by hearing only; this, Vassula, is also for those who think that your hand is pushed by Me without your hearing Me at all; some of them would not have believed that I, the Lord, am inspiring you; now we will continue the way I like it, My Vassula; have My Peace, and be alert; Please Lord, heal C... If you were solidly here with Me, and I would have driven You to her, and I would have taken You by Your Arm and shown her to You, Your Heart would not have resisted and You would have healed her. My child, she does not believe you, she pushes instantly everything you are telling her; if she refused to open her heart for Me, how could I enter and console her? Still, I know that even if she does not listen, You can heal her. then pray for her, Vassula; I love her, so continue your prayers; I will remind you of My Holy Presence; I and you, in union of Love; we, us; Yes, Lord. We, us. November 10, 1988 glory be to God; 1 glory be to God; 2 (This was said after their prayers to Them.) My God? I am; I was eagerly awaiting this moment; (Jesus and I were very anxious to meet in this way.) hear Me, My Vassula; come and touch My Sacred Heart, feel Its Wounds; My Sacred Heart is afflicted by pain and wounded beyond recognition; souls do not hear Me ... they fall by the hundreds into Satan’s nets ... (Later on:) I will not fail you or desert you, little one; listen and write; after The Great Tribulation My Church will undergo, you will see a great Sign in the sky, and all those who love Me will rejoice and praise Me; but all those who defiled My Holy Name will withdraw into deeper obscurity and fall into total unawareness; My Sign will be a blessing for those who kept My Commandments, for they have kept My Word, honouring Me, glorifying Me; they were and are the golden pillars of My Church, the steady 1St. Michael. 2St. Mary.