True Life in God Messages

270 True Life in God Notebook 29 your doors and even your windows so that My Spirit would breathe freely in My Domain; nobody will have the power to obstruct the passages I will open; I will remind them once again that I am the Alpha and the Omega, I, the Holy of Holies, the Holy Trinity-all-in One, The Authority; I shall soon be with you; I will place all those who love Me into My Heart; My Heart will be their New Home; I come from above and from above your New Home will descend; this will be My Gift and My own New Holy Name again will be once more given back to you My beloved ones; so come then and praise Me, come and extol Me, come and make your peace with Me and I will open My House to you and welcome you as My own; come to Me; 1yes, but I am the Lord now who loves you; be blessed, My child; we, us? Yes, Lord. we, us; Yes, Holy Mother. November 8, 1988 (Today I felt Jesus’ Cross. I felt Him sad and saw Him sad even in His picture.) I am; My beloved, take My Cross and unburden Me, your Christ is so weary; I have allowed Myself to leave on your heart a few drops of My Blood to relieve Me; Satan is determined now to discourage you, but I will not allow him to touch you, what has been started by Me and blessed will be finished, glorifying Me; 1 Somehow just there, I remembered how Daniel, my guardian angel, in the beginning communicated with me; also in writing. today you shall write down My message with your own handwriting, 2 so that those who have not yet fully understood that I have filled you with My graces, may understand that I have also given you the grace of hearing My Voice; allow Me to dictate to you today, hear Me and write; Vassula, the days are counted now; the days of your purification; those that have been praying to Me for the renewal of My Church, I have heard; I have heard all their prayers to Me; I promise you that I, the Lord, will renew My Church; I will wipe away the stains that stained Her by the impure living within Her and I will rebuild Her anew; yet, I dread to tell you, beloved ones, how much more She will have to suffer still before This Day; the Great Tribulations of Her Heart will start before I come to renew her entirely; this day must come to fulfil the Scriptures; but I will console all those who love Me, in those days of sorrow; I will be ever so near your hearts, I will make you feel Me, I will send you a legion of angels and saints to console you all, so courage, beloved ones, courage! I am suffering now and you who love Me, feel Me; you feel My Wounds, you feel My Sacred Heart, loaded with sorrow; you feel My gaze upon you, creation; you, who lie in obscurity, My Eyes are filled with tears of Blood; yes, how else could I feel today, when I see the majority of you slipping away into Satan’s nets? but, let those who do not want to hear, continue their wickedness; I have been warning them several years now, I have been calling them for their repentance, but they pay no heed to any of My warnings; I am weary, ever so weary, with their blindness and their obstinacy; 2 The remainder of this message was in Vassula’s own handwriting.