True Life in God Messages

Notebook 29 True Life in God 269  October 25, 1988 My Lord? I am; daughter! rejoice! for I have loved you since all eternity, a love you can never understand! a love of predilection; I created you to delight My Soul and fill My Heart with your love; I have created you to appease My anger and soothe My Wounds with your tears; I have created you to rest Me when I am weary and to talk to Me when I am forgotten; I love you to folly! beloved, I have chosen you to know My Sacred Heart's desires, I have chosen you to share all that I have; be My child of Light; I am He who loves you most and I am He who bless you most; My jealous love I have for you will enflame your little heart into a torch of light, so that, in your turn, will enflame other hearts too to love Me; be My altar burning with My love; spread this flame and enliven even the stones into devoted followers of Mine; make no difference of colour or of creed, you are all made to My Image and My Sacrifice was made for the entire Nations; be one under My Holy Name; I love you creation to folly! revive creation! believe in My Presence among you, allow Me to enter your heart so that I may heal you all;  flower, desire Me, respect My Law and please Me; place Me as first and above all things; detest all that is earthly; tremendous reparations have to be done to substitute all evil done in this world, amend for others; Vassula, I will not forsake you ever; My teachings have led you to Me, I and you, you and I, bonded for all eternity, have My Peace; come; October 31, 1988 (I took the bus in Rhodos to go to town. The controller comes and I tell him: “One ticket please”. He gave me a ticket. Jesus was sitting near me and I turned around to Him, chuckling, and said to Him: “I asked for one, but we are two, in fact. The man has no idea!” Jesus, surprised, turned around and told me:) what are you saying! are we not united and one? .... come; November 2, 1988 Vassula, have My Peace; come, I am pleased that in spite of where I have you placed, you are trying to understand Me; beloved, relieve My pains by loving Me; show to your God your child-like faith; please Me in that way and depend on Me entirely; I will, Lord. Who else will I turn to than my own Father? I have no one but You. seed of Mine, delight Me always, be My joy; I am your Abba; seed of Mine, flourish, embellish and let your fruits feed many; My plans, I have designed long before you were born, for I Am The Authority; men tend to forget easily that My Church will be led always from above and not from below, they tend to forget that all power is given from above; so I tell you that any earthly authority, any earthly kingdom that infiltrated into My Church, will not last; I will shatter it and throw it down into a heap of dust; you knew all this from before and yet you neither listened nor obeyed Me; you have barred Me out; but I will open all