True Life in God Messages

268 True Life in God Notebook 29 My calls will not be in vain; love one another as I love you, diffuse My Message even to those who will ridicule you, pray for enlightenment, treat each other equally; beloved ones, I am Present at all Times; I, Jesus, love you all with an everlasting love; come to Me; Vassula, show My Sacred Heart to them; I, the Lord, will teach them to walk with Me; I will show them what True Life in God means, I will make them understand that they all are My seed and that they belong to Me; I will show them how Satan had deceived them all and how treacherous he is; I want to tell them again and again that Satan exists, he is the Evil one, he is the one who deceived you from The Beginning and he shall be conquered in the end and crushed; pray, My beloved ones, I will be listening; pray and talk to Me; I am present, I am your Holy Companion, I am among you always; believe in this Mystery of My Presence; My love to you is everlasting, you will only understand its depths and its fullness once you are in Heaven, feel My Presence ... feel My Presence ... I bless all of you; October 23, 1988 My child, do you realise how I favoured you? Vassula, glorify Me by desiring Me, 1 be thirsty for Me, like a flower needing water... already you are closer to Me; 2 yes! I am counting eagerly the days; see Me with your mind, see Me with your heart, see Me with your soul; I have given you the charisma to discern Me, so use it; see 1To desire God is also to glorify Him. Should you not desire Him while you are on earth, you will learn to desire Him in Purgatory; in a purgatory only for desire. 2Less days on earth. Me and smile to Me, smile at Me with love; amend for those souls who never smile to Me but come to Me only for their interests; we, us? Yes, Lord; we, us. October 24, 1988 My Lord and God? I Am; I give you My Peace, child; I love you; daughter, lead all souls to Me by your prayers, ask for their redemption; please My Sacred Heart by forgiving those who reject you, never blame them, never accuse them; I am the Judge and I will judge them in the Day of Judgment; so you, My child, must forgive them; repay evil with love; lean on Me to rest and find your consolation in My Sacred Heart, find my caresses in Its depths; come, we, us? Yes, my Lord. then I want to hear you say it, do not forget Me! remember My Presence; do you know how much I desire this meditation upon My Presence? My Presence is also a very important Mystery that most of you seem to forget; meditate on My Presence; children, whom I love with an everlasting love, please Me by remembering My actual Presence; train yourselves by using these words, we, us, you and I, I and you, us; include Me in your activities, in your discussions and in your thoughts; respect My Presence, never forgetting that I am the Holy One; by remembering Me, you will sin less knowing and remembering that I Am with you; I, Jesus Christ, the Nazarene, bless you all;