True Life in God Messages

Notebook 29 True Life in God 267 Vassula of My Sacred Heart, feel loved by Me, feel loved by your Holy Mother; allow Me to use you for just a little while longer; we, us; Yes, Lord. Lord? I am; This love I have for You and the fervent desire to feel You and want You constantly with me, thirsting always for more of You, thinking only of You day and night, in short living for You, sometimes wanting to see You with my bare eyes, are these feelings of desire to ‘see’ You like those of the souls in Purgatory who are not with You yet? they are very near to what they feel; yet with much deeper and clearer feelings; Then it really must be terrible! yes, they suffer very much; if they had never desired Me while on earth, then they learn to desire Me in purgatory, there they do not see My Face and they burn with this desire; Yes, my Lord. Thank You, my Lord. October 16, 1988 (I visited the Church of England church in Lausanne because I love receiving Holy Communion from them. We all go in the front where we kneel. The priest then comes first with the Host then again with a Cup with Jesus’ Blood, and we all drink in turn. I think it’s perfect and exactly the way Jesus wants us to receive the Holy Eucharist. – But because they do not say the Haily Mary, I go there to hail Her without anybody there knowing. That Church must have received the first Hail Mary’s ever.) October 18, 1988 My Lord? I am the Lord; My God? I am; Would You like to bless the religious objects given to me by friends? take them up to My lips, I will bless all that is to be blessed; 1 Lord, there are some inside cellophane, can You kiss through them? I love your innocence, take them all as they are, I am Omnipotent; by the little faith you are giving Me I will take it and place it in My Sacred Heart, which will nourish it into a stronger faith; come, rest now; Yes, my Lord. Thank You, my Lord. October 19, 1988 glory be to God; 2 praised be Our Lord; 3 I give you My Peace, come; 4 I, the Lord, tell them5 this: I bless each one of them; I bless all those who help in My Divine Message, particularly those who sacrifice their spare time for Me; 1 Jesus said this and made me understand that one medallion will not be blessed among the other religious ones, because someone gave me a nonreligious one. 2Answer to St Michael’s prayer. 3Answer to St Mary’s prayer. 4Answer to the Sacred Heart’s prayer. 5To the little group we formed to meet.