True Life in God Messages

Notebook 28 True Life in God 263 Messiah they were expecting, but they disbelieved Me, rejecting Me, and they persecuted Me, crucifying Me; today My Holy Spirit reaches you in your obscurity, but you fail to reach Its Works through your disobedience and the lure of sin that has accumulated in you; your era’s wilderness has by-passed all other wildernesses; why are they surprised and even bored and annoyed at My Spirit which descends to illumine them? their lethargy has made desert after desert! rock after rock! how I stifle and suffocate to watch My few remaining flowers trodden upon by these rebellious peoples! Vassula, had it not been for your Holy Mother holding away My Arm from striking them and had it not been for My Fathomless Mercy, I, who am a God of Justice too, would have struck them long ago; for this generation has created a New Sodom and Gomorrah among themselves; they have gone as far as to believe, that the calamities that befall on them now come from Me; they have never understood how evil draws evil and that they are paying now from their own coin; I want all those who love Me to pray, pray, pray, for this Rebellion to come to Its end; I wish to encourage My friends to proceed with their good works; 1 I bless all those who scatter My grains of Peace and Love; trust Me all the way to the end; I also ask you solemnly, to pray for My Holy Spirit of Understanding to enlighten you all; for how long will they not understand Scriptures? for how long will they push aside My Mysteries? find My Fruits in the Proverbs; perceive, and if you have trouble in perceiving, ask My Holy Spirit of Perception to descend upon you; many of My Mysteries lie still 1 All those ‘new disciples’ who help in translations, photocopying, and the work and distribution of this revelation. hidden and are disclosed in My Wisdom Books; 2 I promise you that Love will return as Love and live among you all; I will restore My House, I will bring you a New Jerusalem; a City of Integrity, a Faithful City, for Justice will prevail; come, reap My Harvest; friends, reap this Harvest I have prepared secretly; gather My Works and disperse them; they will refresh the desert winds; they will irrigate the dry soil and bring back life again in this Wilderness; pray, My Vassula, for My Return; O God, yes! COME! COME to us! Oh Lord, return to us!! I will, very soon; My Return is not far now; tell all the others to pray for My Return; I, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Redeemer, will restore all that has been damaged, and is to be damaged still; do not forget the Big Tribulation that My Church will undergo before I renew Her entirely ... so My child, allow Me to use you as My tablet; share My Cross of Peace, of Love, with Me your Lord; we, us, for eternity; Yes, Lord. we, us? Yes, My Holy Mother, for eternity. (Message given to the group who meet me; and to be read to them:) My Superabundant Love will seek each one of you, I am not far from you, we eat together ... we do things together ... so feel My Presence; return to Me and I too will return to you; 3My Presence will be 2Here I felt suddenly a widow again and I cried out to the Lord: COME LORD! I desire the Lord. 3Ml. 3:7.