True Life in God Messages

262 True Life in God Notebook 28 September 30, 1988 (Glory be to God for the total conversion of a freemason and a Jehovah Witness too. Glory be to God for the previous conversions and the most recent one too.) 1 May there be masses returning to You. Lord? I am; your sacrifice pleased Me; I am your Shepherd and My lambs I come to collect and protect; feed My lambs; distribute My Message; come, you and I, I and you, in union of Love; October 5, 1988 My Lord? I am, it is I, the Lord, who loves you all with an everlasting love, I am ever so present among you all; since the beginning of times, whenever My children fell into rebellion, I, the Lord, descended through very weak instruments to give them My warning, and bring them back to Me; I, God, always worked in the same way; I descended like a Hammer to break the rocks, breaking the hard crust which covers My creation’s heart; I always manifested Myself whenever My creation needed My help, or whenever they fell very low going as close as possible at Satan’s gates; My Vassula, through My whole Message of Peace and Love, I call, I call and cry out with great agony to you all, to return to Me and repent; I cry out in this wilderness, but My Voice sounds like an echo, echoing into a void ... if 1The name JESUS and the heart are written with my own blood as a small sacrifice. only you would hear Me and open your hearts that I heal you! I descend in this Great Wilderness in search of My remaining flowers, but I only stumble on rocks, rock after rock; I turn around with great hope, but I only find thorns and briars tearing on Me and on the few who love Me; I search for love, but I find hatred; I need to be consoled, but I find none; I thirst for compassion, but I find only mockery; I find no love, I find no hope, no faith among this generation, 2 because they have stopped adoring Me; all My fears have come to reality! O era of no faith at all! of no hope! of no love! you have stopped adoring Me and My Holy Name means nothing to you now! yes, My Name is meaningless to you ... had you followed My ways and had you listened to My cries, all this wilderness would not have been; I ask those who love Me, to pray for your brothers who do not; do not repeat the errors your ancestors made on the day of the Rebellion, that day of Temptation in the wilderness; My green pastures of long ago lie barren and desolate and My little flock has been struck by their own shepherds, scattering them ... why provoke Me, why? every generation that repelled Me has been punished; but your minds are wicked, since you do not stop deceiving yourselves, thinking you are doing better than the Pharisees, saying: “had we been living then, we would never have shared in their evil works, our faith would have saved us!” I am telling you today this: you are receiving Me not very differently from those days I was among you in flesh, many of you have condemned My Messages3 before even knowing what it is all about!! daughter, I came to them in their wilderness to tell them I was the 2 It’s not only to God we’re doing this, but among us too. 3The actual revelations, apparitions, signs.