True Life in God Messages

260 True Life in God Notebook 28 it has also been said, that in your times, only a remnant of My servants would remain faithful to Me, preaching the gospel as it should be preached, and that many would fall into rationalism, betraying Me with disloyalty; this rationalism made a desert of My Church, bringing It into a ruin where vipers nestled within Its depths; for those who defile My Name and who sit enthroned in earthly glory satisfying their thirst of money, seeking their own interests and not Mine, I call out in the wilderness you have made, for you to come to Me and repent before the day of purification; I, the Lord, warn you not to suppress My Spirit of Truth who speaks through this weak instrument; I solemnly request My Church to remember the conditions I and My disciples worked in and where our heads rested; palaces we had none! none! palaces were for kings, but not for Me nor My disciples! Lord, those whom You mean and who recognise themselves would not like hearing this part and it will be one more reason for them to suppress this message. true, some of them would not like hearing My words; they stifle Me and My House, with their vain-glory; My House and I suffocate with their perjuries; I have no space to breathe, they have shut all the windows of My House and My Light cannot penetrate nor can My Spirit blow within to clean the air; these souls are like salt that lost their taste; they are like stained glass, preventing My Light from penetrating in them, preventing My Holiness from purifying them; Satan’s vapours are like mist these days, penetrating through keyholes and between hinges; since his vapours are deadly, I solemnly request that you redouble your sacrifices and your prayers; tremendous reparations have to be made by those who love Me; Satan in his fury has redoubled his works against My Church this year; in the Marian year he chose to split a section of My Church; I had foretold you of this schism and that in the middle of it all you were to descend into My House; take My Hand now and walk with Me; share My Cross, My Vassula; My Works are not yet finished; be in Peace, I, the Lord, give you My Peace, child; remember, smile at My Presence, never ever forget My Presence; tell Me a Kyrie eleison; please Me, I have given you so much! Yes My Lord; You have given me so much, I love You Holy of Holies, You have given me so many good things that I want to proclaim them all, all the time, but they are more than I can count; You opened my ear to hear You, You raised me from the dead, may Your love and faithfulness constantly preserve me, may You do all what You’ve done to me, to my brothers too, let them share too Lord. My child, I am calling all of you, I am seeking each one of you, allow Me to enter your hearts and I will heal each one of you; come, rest now; I am with you always, never forget this! September 29, 1988 (Feastday of the Archangels St Michael, St Gabriel and St Raphael) (I prayed to St Michael.) (St Michael:)