True Life in God Messages

258 True Life in God Notebook 28 Lord? I am; There is one thing bothering me. There is one who says that I’m in constant sin, since I’m divorced and married again. That is why he says that surely this revelation, it is not You who gives it, my God, because of my constant sin. let the man without sin announce himself to Me! let him come forward and show his face to Me; Yes, My God. Help me: I do not know how to answer these statements, by these people. do not; come quickly to Me; your Father is caring for you; we, us, child? Forever and ever, amen. Wisdom loves children; September 25, 1988 My God, having given a few of Your Messages to L.... He said that they are embarrassing to read. He felt uneasy reading them because of the Love You have for me, Your creature, and the love I have for You, my God! He said they are shocking. Lord? I am; I am God, I am Love; whosoever says that My Messages are ignominious, is only condemning Me and by condemning Me is condemning himself; an unspiritual man has not the capacity to understand the Spirit by means of his mind nor penetrate into Wisdom to be able to understand the Spirit; one has to open his heart and allow the Spirit to enter and thus meet with his spirit; then My Spirit will nourish his spirit and Wisdom will illumine him to see what the Spirit is, how the Spirit works, what the Spirit feels; I am God, I am the Source of Love who created all of you out of My Boundless Love, to love Me; Praised be our Lord! September 26, 1988 (Message given for the reunion of the group) My God? I am; My Vassula, treat Me as a King; lead all souls to Me; those that want to hear I will raise and place in My Sacred Heart; beloved; Yes, Holy Mother? yes, hear Me; My perfume I propound among you; 1 realise that Our Presence is among you, listening to your hearts, how we love you! children, I am your Mother; allow My Son to lead you and heal you, purifying you, allow yourselves to be healed by Jesus; receive this grace My Son is offering you, understand why He seeks every soul; Jesus loves you boundlessly! I, the Mother of all humanity, the Mother of your Saviour am near you children, and ever so ready to help you; come! open your hearts to Us; We are your Holy Family, receive Our Peace; Jesus and I bless you all; I bless You Holy Mother, Mother of God. September 27, 1988 Jesus? 1 Many of those who follow this revelation, have smelled incense and roses.