True Life in God Messages

Notebook 28 True Life in God 257 gather His lambs in His arms, for His Kingdom is at hand;” My little flock I shall feed, and gather with great love all of them, in My arms; They do not care for Your Signs. They hear of them and file them away. They seem to want to tell You to stop Your Signs. nobody needs to advise Me; I need not one of these counsellors, for their wisdom is shame to Me; do I not know how to measure you and know how to feed you? alas! only a remnant of you is left who welcome My Spirit; have they understood how by having an antagonistic spirit they have failed Me? and, by having failed Me, failed to see The Truth? does the clay say to its fashioner, “what are you making?” receive humbly what you get from the Spirit, accepting My Works and Its mysteries; I willed to augment My Signs in your days, so receive with joy what you get from the Spirit; rejoice and receive Me, be glad instead of turning your backs to Me; face Me and recognise Me! do not suppress My Spirit, welcome Me instead! alas for you who suppress My Spirit, alas for you blind guides, bloated with Vanity, you have made a desolation out of My Holy Church! seek The Truth by examining yourselves to make sure that you are in The Real Faith! altar! I, the Lord, will keep your flame ablaze until the end; My Works are not yet finished; come now, we? us? Forever, amen. September 18, 1988 My God? 1 1 I love God to the point I feel like a widow here on earth. I am; love Me, do not fear Me; fear Me only if you rebel against Me; every drop of love is used to liberate souls from purgatory, by loving Me fervently you extinguish their fires, 2 liberating them from their agony; then I, the Lord, can receive them finally; so love Me, desire Me, worship Me, liberate them one after the other; mankind has to understand that love assimilates the Powers of Heaven and is the Key to freedom and life; do you now understand why Satan hates you? My Vassula, lean on Me, all is not in vain; we, us? Forever and ever. September 24, 1988 My God? I am; remember that I am Spirit, and all I have I share with your spirit; you and I are one, linked in union of Love, bound to each other in Love; I, your God, and you, My little one; I, your Creator, and you, My creature, let those whose hearts have hardened be reminded that My Heart sanctifies; let them know that I call even nameless people, people without virtues, without any merits; I transform the stonehearted and raise them from nothing at all; I come unexpectedly among the dead and can raise them all up; look at yourself, Vassula; your merits were none, yet out of great pity, I raised you; now you know what True Life In God means; I Am the Life; glorify Me My child, never rebel against Me; keep in mind My instructions; 2While Jesus was saying this, I saw a scene of some soul’s hands, which were ablaze, become extinguished.