True Life in God Messages

256 True Life in God Notebook 28 September 14, 1988 (The exaltation of the Holy Cross) Jesus? I am; listen to My Voice; I cry out in this wilderness; all those who will listen I will exalt and their sins will be washed away and forgotten like running waters; woe to those who will shut their ears! and alas! there will be many among you who erred but who will not listen to Me who is The Way; you have forsaken Me; you have erred in Error for so long now, inhaling only Satan's smoke, and my Name is meaningless to you now; you are like shadows on earth, yet, in your wickedness you have reversed the Truth, helped by Satan; you have eclipsed Me with evolution; I have given you so many warnings, I have foretold you of these days; I have out of My Boundless Mercy given you signs, but, nevertheless, you preferred to close your eyes upon My Mercy; guides! who know My Word and minister for Me and who recognise the End of Times, 1 recognising that It is at hand, but stand by at the Graces I am showering on you out of sheer cowardice, putting honour before men, seek to understand and look once more into the hidden mysteries of My proverbs; I solemnly ask you to beg for the Holy Spirit of understanding to descend upon you for a deeper perception of Knowledge; the days are numbered and your souls too; be prepared, remove this veil which My adversary laid upon your eyes, for so long as your vanity remains, so will your guilt remain upon you; humble yourselves and accept My Ways; respond to My Voice which cries in agony in this wilderness; 2 1 In Scriptures. 2When Jesus said these words, He made me also share His agony. Jesus is suffering enormously ... come My child, lean on Me, together ... together, we will share My agony; Yes, My Lord. I want to share. we, us; Forever. September 15, 1988 (Holy Mother of Sorrows) Lord? I am; How is it that so many ecclesiastics do not appreciate Your Merciful Signs that You are giving us these days? Lord, do You know what they are saying? They say that this is not Real Faith. In other words, they say: “We are already converted without signs, so we can do without them. So God, do not give us any more. We are not interested in such extraordinary things.” Instead of them falling FLAT with their face to the ground and crying out to You: “Glory be to God! Praised be the Lord! for Your Boundless Mercy! You are indeed fulfilling the Scriptures!” What is Real Faith to them if they push away the Spirit? They argue by saying, “Remember what Jesus said to Thomas: ‘Happy are those who have not seen but still believe ...’” Have they forgotten what Scripture also says: “Never try to suppress the Spirit, or treat the Gift of Prophecy with contempt”? And the Spirit blows where It wills. When these people argue they do not seem to realise that they are only arguing with You, My Lord. My child, cry out loudly to the nations, shout! so that everyone may hear: “here is your God! our God is with us, He has never abandoned us, He has come like a Shepherd to feed His flock and