True Life in God Messages

254 True Life in God Notebook 27 all My Kingdom is filled with wonders; I am the Alpha and the Omega, love Me ... treat Me as a King by offering Me every drop of love you have; I created you to love Me; let all the love you have, be just for Me; 1 I know how weak and miserable you are without Me, but I also know that I have in My Hands a mere child and a nothing where My Spirit can freely breathe in this space you are giving Me; allow My Spirit to mould and form you, all that you learn comes from Wisdom and I am Wisdom; September 7, 1988 Praised be the Lord! Blessed be our Lord! Glory be to God! I love you Father to death. Lord? I am; My child, listen, will you continue working for Me, your Lord? If You want me as I am. I want you, your ineffable weakness attracts Me; come and absorb from Me; alive and healed! you have seen the Truth face to face, I healed you, I converted you, I have lifted you and placed you in My Sacred Heart; I blessed you and what I have begun with you I will finish; you will remain in My Hall and will be fed by Me alone; I have veiled your eyes to keep you away from evil, I would not want you to become elated by all these graces I am giving you; I have offered you My Sacred Heart to be your Home, creep in Its depths, hide in Its depths and never come out of It; I, your Saviour will keep you hidden in there till the end; 1By learning to love God we learn to love one another too. Thank You, Lord. September 9, 1988 Lord, I trust You. What I have learnt, I learnt from You only. But Lord, many ecclesiastics are mocking me, they refuse to believe it’s You. They push away Your Works, the visions of children, apparitions, revelations. All are trodden upon. They want You SILENT. Please, do not stand aside, My God. Come quickly to us and help us, Lord our Saviour! Lord? I am; Vassula, My advice for those who oppress you is, “unless you become like children again, you will be unable to penetrate into My Kingdom”; My child, the time will come when every vision will be proclaimed as true; I have said, that there will be no empty vision, no deceitful prophecy in My Church; what I said, will soon come true, since what I pronounce I will fulfil in your own lifetime; Thank You, Lord. we, us? Forever, amen. September 10, 1988 glory be to God! glory be to God; St Michael? Vassula, I will tell you this, all this revelation comes from the Mouth of the Most High; be certain of His Mercy; Thank You, St. Michael. (This came out while I was praying to St. Michael his prayer, to combat evil.) (Later:)