True Life in God Messages

Notebook 27 True Life in God 253 sacerdotals, I will expose you to them; I am feeding you My Bread; be one with Me, feel My thorns and let them be your thorns too; let each nail pierce your soul as they pierced Me; I have warned you, be prepared now for the scourging; remember though, that My Back is also exposed to them and whatever they do to you, they are also doing to Me; we, us? Yes, Lord. (Three hours later I got the news: one of the priests who I trusted and who I thought believed in God’s Message ‘betrayed’ me. He did not believe at all but pretended he did all along. He simply said: “God does not reveal Himself in this way, not to this sort of person.” This hurt a lot because I thought he understood and was a friend. I lost a ‘friend’... This news I got from another friend.) September 6, 1988 Lord? I am; I had warned you, My child, of this betrayal; come, lean on Me; let it be known how meaningless are the arguments of those who tell you that this does not come from Me; their zeal is misguided; they do not seem to see clear My Righteousness and are only declaring their own ideas; Scripture says: “the footsteps of those who bring good news is a welcome sound”, and for those who are surprised at the kind of instruments I choose, Scripture says: “I have been found by those who did not seek Me and have revealed Myself to those who did not consult Me;” He has a good argument though; I really am the wrong person to have this ‘gift’. I’m no good. Yet my friend, Beatrice, asked him, “What about Mary Magdalene?” He replied, “Ah yes, but she got converted later on”. So he believes I’m not converted? be in peace! I have placed you in My Sacred Heart; Had he lived 2000 years back, he would have participated in stoning me, as a sinner. I would not have allowed this, I would have said those same words I once said, “let the one without sin throw the first stone”; open your hearts! not your minds! Vassula, lean on Me, your Saviour; pray for those whose hearts remain closed; pray for those who shut their ears; Yes, Lord. prepare yourself for the rest of My Passion; remember, I have shown you the size of your cross; Yes, Lord. but you and I will share it together; all will not be in vain; I will help you accomplish your mission, then ... to Me you will fly, yes! 1 come, I am Present; we, us? Yes, Lord. (Later on:) My Lord? I am, look into My Eyes and do not look left or right; look at Me, your Lord; I am the Way, the Truth and the Life Everlasting; remember with what great love I have taught you My Word; and all that you know, you know, from Me; 1Jesus seemed happy.