True Life in God Messages

252 True Life in God Notebook 27 them that I am meek and gentle, full of tenderness; I teach with love, I taught you with love, I raised you with love, docility and patience; I have often asked you if you willed to continue My Works; I, the Lord, respected your freedom, I never pressed you, I was never harsh to you; I fed you with love and so much tenderness; I have taught My disciples to follow My Ways of teaching and to expand this method of teaching; I taught them to direct My lambs to Me with gentleness and love; how is it that today My Ways of teaching have been forgotten? how is it that My House has become a recreation of aridity and inflexibility, losing all that was divine? My House today lies barren, lax with human regulations and human thinking, it lies in desolation! My House is being ruled with rules that ‘freedom’ means nothing anymore; My Vassula, My dove, you are free because you are with Me, I am your Master; I guide you but with freedom, I never forced you to work for Me anytime, I never came imposing My works on you; My manner is totally different from all those who have the responsibility of others; I, who am Lord and reign over you, always approached you using these words: “allow Me to ...”; My House has to change, My House has to remember My Ways; I Am Love; September 5, 1988 (Since early this morning the Lord was telling me that soon I will be rejected by some local priests.) Lord, am I really going to be rejected again by some priests? Lord? I am; fear not, soon everything will come to light and all those who rejected you, refusing to believe in My Message, will pray to the Father for forgiveness; Vassula, had they been ‘blind’ I would have healed them, but they are claiming they can ‘see’; they descend from those same blind-guides of the time I was on earth; My child, had they lived at the time I was on earth they would be among those who crucified Me, they would be sharing their work, they would be among those who stoned the prophets and silenced them; why, what difference is there now and then? they are claiming to believe in Me, but reject what comes from the Spirit, thus rejecting Me again; you come from Me with My Message, but as the scribes and Pharisees they demand proofs, solid proofs; prepare yourself, My child, prepare your back for scourging; I, the Lord allowed them to scourge My back, so offer yours to them too; let them repeat their mistakes since they refuse to hear; I, the Lord, was rejected and in the end nailed to the wood, so be pliant too and share My Cross; today is like yesterday; whoever I send, they scrutinise, they persecute or reject; the blood of those I send is continually being shed, from the blood of Abel to this generation! as I have warned the scribes and Pharisees, I warn today those who persecute My Messengers and condemn My Word; I warn those who laugh the Spirit off; I tell them once more that, “your own evidence tells against you, not one of you has changed, your works remain the same, your way of thinking tells against you; guides! who preach spiritual messages and yet ignore what comes from the Spirit! guides! who feed My lambs My Flesh, but keep away My Blood! 1have you forgotten My instructions?” My Vassula, I will let you feel My thorns, I will let you feel how rationalism is reigning in the hearts of these 1 All what’s underlined was said in anger and shouting.