True Life in God Messages

Notebook 27 True Life in God 251 them; My lambs will find in Her warmth what I once had given Her; they will find Peace and Love; they will return; so pray for this renewal of My Church, pray that the Gospels are fully understood and that those parts that have been hacked out, be returned; pray, My child, that My Church be United and garbed in Her Garments-of-Old; pray for all the misinterpretations given to you now from My Word, to cease; these misinterpretations are like poisonous food for you, My Food is Pure and Whole; pray for My sacerdotals to understand fully My Ways and the way I truly am; they still have not understood Me, pray that they may be enlightened; oh My child, pray for My Glory, that in the end My Holy Name may be glorified again and be honoured by all Nations; Oh Jesus, all this seems to me so very far, and Your coming even further! daughter, have My Peace and be willing and eager to receive Me; I tell you most solemnly, the hours are fleeing, dissolving like shadows and already you are living in the first signs of My Return; already the first birth pangs have started, but like Folly, My creation laughs it off, rejecting My first signs, they refuse to believe that the birth pangs have already begun! so devote yourself to Me, My child, and feed from Me; I will see that you lack nothing; do not look left or right, come straight to Me; I am the Lord and will remain your Teacher and your Spiritual Director; you are learning from Wisdom, you are learning from Me, and it is I who hold the Keys to Wisdom; I let no one in to see Her whose eyes are wise, I only give Her to children; I only allow mere children to penetrate in Her and meet Her; Thank You, my Jesus. August 26, 1988 (I was invited to meet some extremist Muslims and meet their two imams and sheikh. I went to their place with a theologian friend of mine. The whole thing was arranged to condemn me and secretly exorcise me, which they did; finding no evil spirit in me they lost their temper and became very aggressive, especially when I received a message for them, a love message. Finding me in total calmness, it infuriated them even more and they accused me of being a liar and deceiver. They said that You, My Lord are “not a God of Love”. I and the theologian friend calmly got up and left them. Had we not been in Switzerland they would have killed us.) Lord? My Vassula, Love comes first; I am a God of Love; remember how I taught you that Love is The Root? I have given you an example of a good tree bearing good fruits; this tree is The Perfect Tree, because its root is Love; its branches are all virtues and they are all good; without the Root of Love, this tree will have no virtues and thus no fruit; when you see a tree which is barren or its fruit rotten, know, My child, that its root is made out of the most vile evils existing; I tell you solemnly, that the Root of all virtues is called LOVE; I am Love, I am The Root who nourishes you, embellishing you; come and be in Me and you will live forever! August 29, 1988 Jesus? I am, peace be with you; realise how much I favoured you by rising you to Me; My Vassula, I want to remind My teachers of My Superabundant Love; I want to remind