True Life in God Messages

248 True Life in God Notebook 27 and to this cry of yours, I will not hesitate; I will descend upon you as quick as lightning and live among you; and you, beloved ones, will realise that, from The Beginning, you were My own and My seed; I will then be among you and will reign over you with an everlasting love; I will be your God and you, My own; dearest soul, treat Me as your King, crown Me with your love; we, us, come;  August 18, 1988 (Up in the Monastery.) (I asked the Lord to help a group of people I met and who are living in anguish. They feel they are persecuted by the demon.) Lord? I am; daughter, every soul can be freed but only when they themselves will open and be willing; I have given each soul this freedom and their will belongs to them only; now if a soul is adamant not to open herself to Me, how will I enter in her heart? I am the Lord and God, but I have given you all your freedom and your will; if you believe and offer Me your will, surrendering to Me, I will enter in your heart and heal you; I will not enter by force; I am at their door and waiting for them to open it and welcome Me in; August 19, 1988 I just want to tell You how much I love You and I want to thank You Lord for all that You have done and are still doing to me. I will never ever be able to repay You for all these graces. Lord? I am; flower, lean on Me, I will give even to the most wretched ones; I am an Abyss of Mercy, but to My sorrow, many of you have forgotten how I really am; I am not a God of predilection, I am Just; and I give even to the most wicked of you; rebound My Sacred Heart with joy! give Me your love and even if sometimes it’s tepid, I will accept it; give Me your love and I will perfect it in My Divinity; come to Me like now, without selfinterests, and offer Me your love; do not wait to be perfect to offer Me your love, do not wait to become a saint to offer Me your love; come as you are, with all your defects, and in My Purity I will transform your love into pure love, reflecting it from above on you; little soul, I will embellish everything you offer Me, so come to Me as you are, offering Me your love, this love that is missing among so many! soul! if you only knew how many souls suffer now in purgatory ... deliver them from purgatory to be able to come to Me; they are craving to be with Me, but they are unable to, because of the blemishes on their soul; deliver them by prayers and by sacrifices; deliver them by loving Me, by adoring Me; deliver them by chaining yourself to Me and My Cross; deliver them by acts of love; deliver them by sharing My sufferings; Vassula, these souls languish for Me and to be united to Me again and forever, but they must purify themselves first before being in My Presence; Lord, You said: “and be united to me again…” Have they been with You after their death for sometime?