True Life in God Messages

246 True Life in God Notebook 27 I will embellish; I will irrigate My flowerbeds; My Dew of Righteousness will descend upon you, beloved ones, and My Light will strengthen your stems, making discipline shine out; courage, daughter; courage, beloved ones; I know it is hard to live in wilderness, but the End of these Times1 are soon with you; soon I will descend to purify you; I, the Lord, solemnly tell you, that I will seize you by surprise, inducing My Light upon you; My Heavens will shake the earth and all those who love Me will glorify Me, bending their knee, and many will remember Me and return to Me; this will be known as the Great Conversion of the Church; but, to My great sorrow, there will be those stubborn souls who blasphemed My Holy Name and who battle on My adversary’s side; these souls will reject Me even more; when this happens, Satan will wipe them away, pulling them with him into the Eternal Fire; Vassula, feel My Sacred Heart ... I suffer beyond human words to have to tell you this, for I Am a God of Love, a God of Mercy, but I am also a God of Justice and I have to be your Judge when My creation rebels against Me; My Soul is wounded and My Blood is gushing out in Rivers; I love you all! but you have wounded Me; I am your Holy One, but you pierced Me; I am your Saviour who today cries from My Cross to you: come back to Me! return to Me! come and be holy as I Am Holy! come, child, I am with you; keep Me in your heart and rest Me, be one with Me; Yes, My Lord. I adore You. adore Me and rest Me, I am so Weary ... Us, we, Lord? 1Times of Apostasy. yes; us, we, for eternity; Amen. (Later on:) (St. Mary:) Vassula, be intimate with Me; call Me Mama, have My peace; I love you; I love You too. Teach me to love You more. Vassula, I have placed you in My Sacred Heart; Lord, thank You for giving me this grace of meeting You and feeling you and seeing You. this is My gift to you; nevertheless, do not forget that this gift is given to you for My interests and My Glory; caress Me with your love; fragrance Me with your love; console Me with your love; glorify Me, your Lord, with your love; lift your mind to Me and Me alone; I Am the One and Only who counts; I Am Everything, I Am the Eternal, the Alpha and the Omega, I Am He-Who-Saves, your Creator; I Am the Holy of Holies, I Am the Spirit of Love, so come to Me; I know how frail you are, come to Me and love Me; I will always remind you that I Am your God; no matter how weak and wretched you are, My Strength will sustain you; dearest soul, remember one more thing, remember that I need no one; I suffice by Myself to accomplish My Works, but I love sharing My Works with My creation; so look at Me and rejoice, soul, for having favoured you; there are many who would have longed to see what you see and never saw it, hear what you hear but never heard it, feel what you feel and never felt it, so rejoice, soul! rejoice! cover Me with praises, crown Me with wreaths of Love; fragrance Me with