True Life in God Messages

Notebook 27 True Life in God 245 (After going out of the Church today and going down many steps it felt as if I was walking in a rose-garden; not one flower was around, only cement.) (Later on:) I have showered you with My Scent; I wanted you to feel My Presence; I wished to remind you by this favour I have given you how dear you are to Us, child; I am your Holy Mother and I am happy to have you near Us again; beloved, I bless you and your whole family; Holy Mother, thank You for everything. I bless You. flower; Yes, Jesus. call your Holy Mother, Mama, from now on; be intimate with Her as you are with Me; we, us, remember My teachings; Yes, Lord. I, the Lord, bless all of you;  August 16, 1988 Lord? I am, never doubt, it is I, Jesus Christ; I have called you from My Cross, I have called you in My Agony to show you how I, Who am the Head of My Church, is to be found today; the Image of Myself lying Dead in My Mother’s Arms1 is a symbolic way of showing you all how your apostasy betrayed My Church; 1 The statue of St. Mary and Jesus after the Crucifixion in San Sylvestro, Rome. you see, daughter I led you to see the correct image of the present Church; you have seen on My Mother Her sorrow and you saw in Her Arms My Dead Body, betrayed, bruised, scourged, pierced and crucified, and this is exactly how My Church of today is to be found; My Mother weeps over Her with Tears of Blood, as She wept over My Body on Golgotha, but in a very short time She2 will be renewed, transfigured and resurrected as I, the Lord, was Resurrected; She will no longer lie in this deplorable state; My enemies had destroyed My Temple, but with My Power descending from Above and with My Grace, I, the Lord, rebuilt My Temple in just three days; I promise you that My Church will revive and I will have Her renewed and transfigured as I was Transfigured; I will rebuild My Temple and Integrity will be Her loincloth round Her waist, and Faithfulness the belt about Her hips; 3 and Purity will be Her Torch, to lead all those who defiled My Name, in Her Light and purify them; for I, the Lord of Lords, the Lamb, will be living in Her and She will be received by Her own, as I was received by My own after My Resurrection; then, like a mother who comforts her child, I too will comfort you even more; I will enfold My Arms around you with so much love; ah, beloved children, I am preparing you a New Heaven and a New Earth to live in, an Earth replenished by fruits that come from the Tree of Life; Its fruits will bear the names of Peace, Holiness, and Love since Its Root4 is Love; you will then face Me, your God, filled by My Holy Spirit as in the first Pentecost; My Spirit will fill you with Love...My Garden 2The Church. 3 Is. 11:5. 4The Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the Root of David - Rv. 5:5. This understanding was given to me later on, on September 1, 1988.