True Life in God Messages

Notebook 26 True Life in God 243 August 7, 1988 (Rome) I want you to feel Me; feel My Heart’s desires; My thirst of love, My desire of keeping you near Me; My jealous love for all humanity; relinquish your ambitions; have none; you do not need these in My Presence, not when I am the one who feeds you; let My Works be Mine entirely and accept the way I am guiding you; enter My Sacred Heart; I bless you; August 8, 1988 (Rome) beloved, I wish to remind you that I am your Shepherd who sought you and finally found you; you were lying dead among the dead; I am the Resurrection and only through Me you will find life, Eternal Life, but on this return, the Shepherd finds that His lambs are dispersed and many starved; the Fold they were in, battered and by His own friends; My lambs, mistreated and starved, lie dead; these shepherds, who were in charge of My Fold, have disobeyed Me, they were disloyal to Me; so I will have to remove them for fear of more damage; this will be known as the big tribulation of My Church; come you are learning; Love loves you; August 9, 1988 (Rome) Jesus? I am; dearest soul, how I love you; Ecclesia will revive through Me; allow Me to manifest Myself through you, My myrrh; fragrance Me, your Lord; I have shown you My Sacred Heart; I have come to you, soul, to teach you My Ways and lead you to the Truth; your generation is seeking the Truth when the Truth is Love; but Love is missing within them, My Name1 means nothing to them, not any longer, yet My Mercy is Great upon those who defile Me; My creation has abandoned My Ways; they have allowed themselves to be led by blind guides; they have rebelled against My Law, teaching a law that is not Mine; creation! if you only knew how close you are to the Fall! care for one another2 instead of persecuting one another; learn My Ways, Wisdom’s Ways; let every action or thought be covered by Love; flower, I am your Devoted Keeper, so trust Me; I keep you under My Light, nourishing you with My Sap; trust Me your God for I have highly favoured you; I will always be near you embellishing you; I-Am-All-Faithful; come, we, us? be one with Me; Thank You, My God. (I had a glimpse of God’s beauty and I felt delighted to be enveloped by God.) (Later on:) (Our Holy Mother spoke.) the struggle is not over; if you only knew how many souls fall every single day into hell! the amount is alarming ... (I asked who.) from Cardinals to young children; 3 your era has degenerated; indeed, it has become the dominion of Our adversary; 1His Name is Love. 2The ecclesiastics. 3Our Holy Mother hesitated and I felt a pang of pain in Her.