True Life in God Messages

242 True Life in God Notebook 26 Jesus today all around me facing me with a broad smile all the time.) Jesus? I am; flower, do not seek to understand My Ways; be simple and accept all that comes from Me; I, the Lord, have led you into My House; I have led you to see and meet My so beloved servant John Paul II ; dearest soul, you obeyed Me, you trusted Me, you relied on Me; rejoice soul! For I, your God, feel rejoiced! simplicity infatuates Me; obedience rebounds My Sacred Heart, for this is The Weapon to fight against the evil one; Lord, was it correct to place Your Letter in the Pope’s sash? you obeyed Me – let this be as an example of obedience to others; no matter how hard the situation may appear to you, trust Me and obey Me; I will always help you when I see that you are obeying Me and doing My Will – seek not to understand why I have asked you to do this for Me; remember, that it is I, the Lord, who will unite you all under My Name, and it is through My Power that all My desires will be accomplished; let My Finger stay upon you, My child, using you in this way; allow Me to leave My veil on you, thus keeping you away from evil and becoming elated by all these graces I shed upon you; I, your God, love you and will never abandon you even in the most critical situations; Love will inspire you; Wisdom loves life; Wisdom bears the Name of Holiness and She is given to all those who obey Me; all instructions descend from Wisdom; trust Me and sow the seeds of Holiness; peace upon you; come, remember My Holy Presence; smile at Me; August 6, 1988 (Rome) (Our Holy Mother.) Vassula, never lose courage; I am beside you; enter into Jesus’ Wounds, enter into My Sorrowful Heart and feel My sorrow, feel how I weep; I come to many; 1 I show them My Heart; I give signs by letting My Images shed tears; I appear at various places, but My children's hearts are covered by a thick crust, a layer of disbelief; they ridicule those who believe; the Word of God means nothing to them; the calls of God are ignored, they pay little heed to Our warnings; no one wants to listen to revelations given by God and spoken from His Mouth; your era's faith has vanished, swept away by intolerance, perversion, cruelty and ignominy; how sorrowful My Immaculate Heart is, My Hand can no longer keep God's Arm from falling upon you; ecclesia needs to be revived and Her time of Purification is almost over now; the Holy Spirit will descend upon you all giving you hope, love and faith; restoring your faith and nourishing your soul; this will be known as the Great Return, as the Sprouting of an Everlasting Source, as the Flourishing of flowers; ecclesia’s purge will prepare you all to face a New Heaven and a New Earth; She will prepare you to face your God; understand My deep love I have for all of you; we, us? Yes, we, us. come; 1Appearing.