True Life in God Messages

Notebook 26 True Life in God 241 completely; I, the Lord, am your Teacher and My Words come from Wisdom; we, us? together, with your Holy Family; Yes, Lord. Yes, Holy Mother. July 29, 1988 (Feastday of St. Martha) beloved! flourish with love, feel My Presence among you; feel My profound Love I have for all of you; believe in this Love; I am the Source of Love; My Spirit is upon you; come, I wish you to become pure, holy, humble and merciful; allow Me to stretch this love you have for Me into a limitless love; allow Me, your Lord, to pour into your hearts My superabundant Love and fill you up, impregnating you with Divine and Sublime Love, so that It may overflow and imbue this world, honouring My Church; allow yourselves to draw from this Infinite Love and fill up your hearts; all I ask from you, beloved brothers, are love, faithfulness and purity; do not get discouraged, little ones, when trials come; I will never abandon you; I am your Shepherd and I keep you hidden under My Cape; with Me you will eat; with Me you will never thirst; treat each other as I treat you; love one another as I love you; respond to one another as I respond to your prayers; feed from Me and do not accept Satan's fruits which are: disloyalty, jealousy, disunity and impurity; be as one! be perfect! let My House glitter from its purity; allow My dew of Righteousness to descend upon you and dissolve these heavy thunder clouds, scattering them away; allow My Light to pierce them so that all darkness and evil disappear; be like flowers facing the sun and let My Warm Rays revive your holiness, purity, integrity and love; follow My Commandment always, to love one another as I, the Lord, love you; I, the Lord Jesus Christ, love you boundlessly; I am soon to come, I bless you all;  August 2, 1988 I, the Lord, have great pity and My Mercy is beyond compare; My Mercy is Great and fathomless; creation! your sins are black as coal and without My Boundless Mercy, My Justice would have brought you in total destruction; I am at your very doors now and as a thief I shall enter; take heed of My Signs; be prepared; pray, My Vassula, pray for those who resist Me still; pray for those who are offending Me and who obscure the world, condemning my lambs who walk in the right path; free them! free them, bringing them to Me; ah Vassula! little lamb, stay near Me; stay hidden under My Cape, hidden in My Heart; Salvation will come from Me, allow Me to use you; Yes, Lord. (St Mary:) be willing; daughter, remember My Presence; we us, for ever and ever, we us, together; August 4, 1988 (Rome) (At the public audience with the Pope, I managed to place under the Pope’s sash, a message from Jesus while he was standing near me. A photograph was taken. I saw