True Life in God Messages

Notebook 26 True Life in God 239 in due time; My Works can be compared to a vine tree; they will flourish and produce their fruit at the right season, just like the vine tree will produce its fruit at its season; bear the hardships that surround you for My sake and rely on Me, your God; do not lose confidence; your era is a wilderness, do not let this aridity affect you, My child; you must trust Me, have I not risen you from the dead? I am the Light and the Life in Itself; allow Me to test you now and then; allow Me to lead you in blind faith; allow Me to test your love for Me; allow Me to stretch this love you have for Me; be My child of Light, living under My Light; I am the Light of this world who will embellish you; remain faithful to Me; My Day is drawing near and I shall come to you like a thief, unexpectedly, without warning you, Jerusalem! you have betrayed Me, your Lord, and right in the centre of your heart evil has rooted itself; yes, Jerusalem, inside you lies the Lance’s blade; treason and heresy has infiltrated in you; how could you ever believe that your wickedness will go by unseen from Me? I am coming to you unexpectedly to overthrow you; I am at your very doors now and like lightning I shall descend upon you and annihilate you; you have chosen My adversary’s power and not My grace; you have chosen wickedness relying on the Black Beast instead of choosing Me, the Light; with My own Hand I shall come and overthrow your seats, overthrowing all the evil-doers who block the Way to the Truth; Jerusalem! your Tribulations have only begun; I will clean and purify you in My fire; I will extirpate your evil roots burning them and all those doctrines who sallowed My Body; your shepherd1 you want no more; drunk with Vanity, 1Pope John Paul II. drunk with Disobedience, drunk with Discordance, how could you believe you are able to survive? you have starved My lambs through Disobedience looking after your interests and not Mine; Jerusalem! you give Me so much sorrow, how I always longed to unite you all and gather your children, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, sheltering them, but you refused ... My Eyes and those of your Holy Mother never stopped streaming with Tears of Blood, watching so much injustice in My own House; I have loved you with an everlasting love, but I have only been betrayed and wounded by My own friends ... My Mercy is Great, and I am willing to forgive you fully; I will not look upon My Wounds, I am willing to forget your sins; Vassula, they have been scourging Me incessantly; yet, in spite of My acute suffering, I am willing to forgive them and forget ... come child, stay in My Sacred Heart; Love is thirsty for love; (Jesus’ lips were dry as parchment.) rest now; I am with you; pray for those souls who reject Me; ease My pains by loving Me; please your God, your own Abba; come, we, us? Yes, Abba. (I felt very touched and pity for our Father, whom they reject.) Vassula, pity your brethren, pity their falls; pity their blindness and pray for them; July 26, 1988 Lord? My Church has been wounded savagely ... and in a short time Ecclesia’s