True Life in God Messages

Notebook 26 True Life in God 237 (I was asking Jesus what would be the first steps for the Roman Catholics and Orthodox to do to start uniting.) I give you My Peace; I offer you my will. be still, and listen; offer Me your will and let My Sacred Heart leap with joy; delight this fervent Heart; offer Me your will, you are offering it to your Father who created you; come, I will answer you; your brothers1 will have to understand and believe that it is I, the Lord, who wishes to unite you; your brothers would have to believe that I am using you as My tablet to write down My desires; they will all have to be willing to come down from those high seats they have procreated for themselves; My Church of old was pure, humble, and filled with love; My Church of today has been transformed to look like a legion of thrones; they will all have to descend from those high seats and follow the new commandment I have given them; I love My children and they have been driven away by those Cains; they have made a wilderness out of My House where thorns and briars only grow now; Vassula, the time is close at hand; My return is soon; Love will come back as Love; Love loves you; seek not why I have chosen you to write down My Messages; understand only that I am glorified all the more for having chosen a nothing for this Message of Peace and Love; for the least you are, the greater I am; the lower you are the more inclined I am to bend over you and reach you; be absolutely nothing allowing thus My Spirit to breathe in you; efface yourself entirely so that I can only be seen; gratify Me, soul, by surrendering often, offering Me your will; you are surrendering to Love; 1Roman Catholics and Orthodox. we? us? Yes! Forever. July 14, 1988 (While I was in Rhodos Jesus blessed many crucifixes and medallions, kissing them.) peace be with you child; gratify Me and smile at Me when you see Me; ah Vassula they have kept Me only at their entrance ... forgetting Me, going back to their minor duties, see? wake up! at your doors I Am! I am as a beggar; behold your Sovereign begging you as a beggar; I beg you for love; be good! be perfect! love one another; repent often; pray often and not only for your interests; come to Me out of love! I, the Lord, love you, a love you will never understand, not until you are in heaven; embrace Me, as I, the Lord, embrace you; sin no more...I know your weaknesses, your infirmities; I know your soul; come, come to Me and give Me everything and I will embellish you; Vassula, tell them that they will know Me better if they open their heart completely and let Me in; I will be among them, listening; Is that, Lord, when we all meet? yes; we, us? Yes, Lord. 2 Vassula, My child; Yes, St. Mary? rejoice Me and come up to Me1with My other children; come and I will bless all of you; I love you; 2Jesus was not very happy with the Rhodians.