True Life in God Messages

Notebook 25 True Life in God 235 Church! return; come back, beloved one; 1 it is I, the Lord, who have selected Peter, Peter who today bears the name, John Paul II; I am telling you, beloved one, My Sacred Heart has chosen him; come back, reconcile for My sake, beloved; I, the Lord, will forgive your sins and will purify you; RETURN! return all of you to Peter for it is I, your God, who has chosen him; it is I who have given him a disciple’s tongue, and through Me he is able to reply to the weary; oh, creation! is there no more wisdom left in you? creation! you are failing to appreciate My Fathomless Love I have for you, and yet, I answer to everyone who invokes Me; I am with you when you are in trouble, I am your Refuge; today I, the Lord, will add one more commandment; write: “bend! bend to be able to reconcile and unite, humble yourselves to unite;” child! Yes, Lord? I give you My Peace; be obedient, allowing Me to use you as I wish; trust Me, you are in your Father’s Hands; Lord, I am but following You, and my soul is in peace as a child with his mother, trusting You fully and as a child, I want to obey You. remember My Presence, I am with you; we, us? we, us? Yes, Lord. Yes, St. Mary. 1Bishop Lefèbvre. June 29, 1988 Lord? I am; flower, this love I have for all humanity was never understood properly; I suffer! I am suffering profoundly; dearest soul, rest Me, rest Me by loving Me, O Lord, if I could alleviate your sufferings by sharing your sufferings allow me to do it; use me, use every molecule of mine, teach me to love you infinitely. I love you, My Vassula of My Sacred Heart; we are sharing everything; Vassula realise that you are sharing My Cross, you are sharing My Passion, O Vassula! My Blood is gushing out of My Body in rivers, I am being recrucified by My own, by the apostasy in the very sanctuary of My Church, by cardinals, by bishops, by priests, My closest friends are betraying Me; I have been abandoned by many; I have been scourged by many; I have been pierced by My most intimate friends; I am suffering and I am going through a second Passion; My Lord, love Me, love Me, let Me be able to pronounce the same words your guardian angel told you; his words were: “no man ever loved his angel as much as you have;” little one, let Me be able to tell you one day: “no man ever loved Me in your era as much as you have;” July 3, 1988 (Rhodes) My Lord?