True Life in God Messages

234 True Life in God Notebook 25 by the Holy Rosary I will prevail; daughter, this step is the beginning for many other events to come; realise, Vassula, that at Fatima I appeared as the Lady of the Rosary; 1 Vassula, I love you boundlessly, are you willing to pray the Holy Rosary daily? Yes, I mean to obey You and Jesus. obedience, My children, know how much evil is conquered by obedience; ecclesia will revive; Jesus and I have always worked together because Our Hearts are united; Jesus’ Sacred Heart has prepared His Message of Peace and Love through you, choosing the weakest, least and most wretched child of all humanity, but in spite of what you are, Jesus loves you boundlessly; He chose you to show the world His boundless Mercy; He chose you to manifest His Love through you; come back, creation, come back to Us! the time is almost over now! hear Our call; children there is not much time left; O beloved! hear Our Voice, hear Our plea, hear these Hearts who weep incessantly for you; return to Us! June 20, 1988 flower, read from My Book these words, writing them down; write, My Vassula: “I the Lord wish to develop My reflections further, will you allow Me your God to use you?” Yes, Lord, but never forget my incapacity, please. 1Since the Lord asked me to learn the Holy Rosary, I phoned an old neighbour of mine whom I knew to be Catholic and asked her if she had time to teach me properly the Rosary. Surprised, because I am Greek Orthodox, she came anyway. I do not; listen to Me then and blossom; give off a sweet smell like incense; spread your fragrance abroad; bless Me, your Lord, for all My Works; declare the greatness of My Name; proclaim how wonderful My Providential Works can be; all that I order is promptly carried out; teach them not to judge and say: “what is this? why is that?” all will be studied in due time; 2 let them learn and say: “all the works of our Lord are good”; I will supply every need in due time; they must not say, “this is worse than that”, for everything will prove its value in its time; so now I tell you to rejoice, and bless Me, your God; I love all of you! be one with Me; feel Me, discern Me and follow Me; Yes, Lord. June 21, 1988 Lord? I am; pray for the renewal of My Church; pray for those souls who oppose Peter, pray for those who are trying to silence Peter; the days now are numbered and My Soul is submerged in sorrow; My Sacred Heart is imbued with bitterness, My Soul is yearning for them to realise their Error; those that oppose Peter are opposing My Church, they are opposing My Law, they are opposing Me, their Lord and God; they are condemning Peter-of-Mylambs, thus condemning My Law; blinded by Vanity himself they do not see clear anymore that by condemning Peter they are not following the Law but instead become judges of My Law! O listen to what the Spirit says to the 2The study of these messages was done by the C.D.F. in the Vatican during 2002-2004, with positive results.