True Life in God Messages

Notebook 25 True Life in God 233 feel My Wounds; they will feel their God's Wounds and when they do their voice will rise so loud that My enemy will tremble and the very foundations of earth will shake; when they will see in what state My lacerated Heart is they will feel in their own heart a flame of love for Me, their God; these angels, trained by your Holy Mother, prepared with love is this legion your Holy Mother prepared to defend Our Church; these angels are to repay evil with love; come, Vassula of My Sacred Heart, I, the Lord, love you; face Me; remember, I come now with My Heart in My Hand, offering It to all mankind; 1 how I love you all! (I saw an interior vision of a Sun with Our Lady inside it, a heart and a Cross.) Vassula, do not neglect to pray the Holy Rosary; (No, Jesus, I will not.) come, us? we? Yes, Lord, us, we. Praised be the Lord! June 8, 1988 Jesus? I am; I will make you understand what I meant with the expression I had given you a few days ago in one of My Messages; when I said that you should wear My Garments of Old when you meet Peter, 2 that was to tell you that My Gospel is not to change, but that It should be preached as I preached; I added that My Garments are Simple; by this I mean that you should approach 1 I understood from this statement coming from Jesus, that He likes to share His Divine Works with many of us, sharing with many, asking people to join in this Divine Plan. 2Prophecy accomplished in November 2004. and understand the Gospel as a child, with a child-like faith; today, Vassula, many priests do not believe anymore in My Mysteries so they do not preach the Gospels as they should be preached; they are interested to please your era and meet with your culture; these priests wear ‘new garments’ different from Mine; they should know how much this grieves Me; My Gospel should be preached without errors and My Mysteries are to remain Mysteries; Thank You, Lord. Glory be to God; amen. June 9, 1988 Vassula, I, the Lord, love you in spite of your misery; you are poor in spirit, but I have said: “blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven;” ah Vassula, that is precisely what I and your Holy Mother are doing; Our Hearts have selected wretched souls, poor in spirit and the least of My creation to reveal My Providential Works so as to baffle the ones who call themselves wise; My Spirit will always choose those you call ‘nothing’ and ‘contemptible’, to shame the wise; Vassula, persevere, 3 I will always help you; come, we, us? Yes, Lord; we, us. we, us? Yes, St. Mary; we, us. June 10, 1988 (Holy Mother is speaking.) 3Try my best to pray the Holy Rosary.