True Life in God Messages

230 True Life in God Notebook 25 Scripture says: 1 “I have been found by those who did not seek Me and have revealed Myself to those who did not consult Me”; so I, the Lord, tell you: open your hearts, not your mind! Vassula of My Sacred Heart, you have heard Me whisper in your ear, 2 I want to show you in Timothy I and II everything that has been predicted for the last days of your era; My creation has degenerated and has fallen lower than the Sodomites; Darkness came upon them as a deadly veil, sent by Satan; Satan has sent many false teachers, false prophets who appear today as philosophers, teaching dogmas which do not come from Me your Lord, and My children, blinded by their ignorance, fall into these traps set up by Satan; I wish that these parts of Timothy be read in public as a warning: 1 Timothy 4:1-16, and 6:20-21 and 2 Timothy 2:14-26; these prophecies were especially pronounced for your times; then in 2 Timothy 3:1-17 in this passage it foretells the state of your era, to be found now; for these are the last days before the end of Times; solemnly, I request from you all to redouble your prayers for a ‘come back’; My Sacred Heart is open for any soul who will repent and who wills to return to Me; flower, seek always the Spirit of Truth and Discernment before you write with Me; Love loves you and will guide you; come, rest in My Sacred Heart; I will never forsake you; we, us? Yes, Lord. Yes, Holy Mother.  1 Is. 65:1. 2 Two nights ago Jesus whispered into my ear that I should read in the Holy Bible, 1 and 2 Timothy. June 3, 1988 My Lord? I am; Vassula, never get discouraged; remember My Love I have upon you, dearest soul; I love you with your weakness; you are frail; allow My Spirit to guide you; annihilate in Me, in My Strength; dissolve in Me and let Me do everything so that they see that all this work is done by Me; you are nothing, stay nothing and leave space for My Spirit to grow in you; yes, let Me breathe in your nothingness; let Me delight in you; allow Me to use you in this way to redeem you all and to unite you; Yes, Lord. flower? in these days I am teaching you to discern the true revelations and visions from the false revelations, false doctrines and false visions; everything that is false comes from Satan; he sows seeds of confusion to blemish the Truth, like in Pescara; 3 he sows darnel among the wheat, confusing you all; furious with the apparitions of Medjugorje, he tries to confuse you all, trying to label these Divine Works as not from Me; daughter, when you read a revelation which openly expresses a disunion to My Church, denying Peter, denying your Holy Mother, know that they do not come from Me, the Lord, your God, they come from My adversary who appears and takes My Image to accomplish his designs which are to separate you as much as possible; know that I, the Lord, do not want My lambs dispersed; I want you united under Peter, all in one flock; I desire you all assembled together; I repeat again that I, Jesus Christ, the Lord, your Saviour, selected Peter to 3 False apparitions with false predictions that have not come true.