True Life in God Messages

Notebook 25 True Life in God 229 Yes, my God. Praised be the Lord. May 31, 1988 Jesus? I am; the Holy Rosary was well said; Thank You, Lord and Holy Mother, for teaching me. (I prayed the usual three prayers, and the whole Holy Rosary, completing it this time.) devote your time these days upon the Holy Rosary; Yes Lord. – Lord? I’ve been reading Gabrielle’s ‘homebringing mission’ but it does not mention St. Mary or the Holy Rosary; Vassula, let it be known that this is what I, the Lord, call a misleading torch; pray for these sects; I, the Lord, will not allow to have My Body separated from My Head; these, daughter, are the floating kingdoms without roots I have been telling you about; I have now given you the proof of one; needless to tell you how My Sacred Heart feels; Vassula, meditate upon My Sacred Heart, this Heart that never fails you; I will be your Holy Teacher till the end; do not leave My Hand; we, us? Yes, Lord. we, us? Yes, St. Mary. Glory be to God. June 1, 1988 (While talking again to a Greek young lady about our Father in Heaven, again the word ‘Abba’ came in my mouth; in Greek: ‘O babas’.) Vassula, call Me, Baba; with love I receive this word, this form of call; I am your Celestial Father; we, us? Yes, Lord, forever. June 2, 1988 (Fête Dieu) (I prayed now the third day, the whole Rosary, and of course the three prayers the Lord wishes us to pray.) Lord? I am; My Vassula, by persevering, 1 the devil weakens; evil diminishes; learn the Holy Rosary, embellish My Church; (The Lord means that the Orthodox and Protestants and other Churches who do not pray the Holy Rosary should learn it, thus enriching the Holy Church and banishing the devil, crushing him; heresy will diminish as well as apostasy in the Church which has infiltrated because of the unfaithfulness and disobedience.) yes, Vassula, love will increase and evil will decrease; and for those who argue, saying that this was not said by Me, 2 I will show you how meaningless their arguments are; their zeal is misguided and they do not seem to see My Righteousness; they are declaring only their own ideas; they would be ready to disown Me; 3 surprised by the poor instrument I chose to manifest Myself, they will deny you as coming from Me; they have forgotten what Scripture says; 1Trying hard to please St. Mary and Jesus by praying the Holy Rosary, obeying Their will. 2To learn the Rosary. 3 Declaring that these writings are not from God, because many things written by God in here do not suit them.