True Life in God Messages

228 True Life in God Notebook 25 return home to Me, to Us; 1 receive Our Peace; pray for the renewal which My Church will undergo; I, the Lord, love you all; we, us! Yes, Lord, forever. come; May 19, 1988 Lord, the reason maybe that the ecclesiastical authorities do not respond could be that since Your Message of Peace and Love is a reminder for repentance as the ones of Lourdes and Fatima, maybe they do not feel obliged to go into this one as well. They are burdened with work anyway. Although it is not just a reminder. It is also for uniting, Russia’s conversion and Peter’s Seat. Vassula, I Am the Word, the Everlasting Word, My Word is Eternal Life; if I decide to remind My creation of My Love, even daily through various instruments and to call you for repentance, it is not up to any creature who is but dust and ashes to discard any of My spoken words; I, the Lord, know of your needs and I tell you, My Mercy is Great upon you! 2 come, feel My Presence; Yes Lord. we, us; May 24, 1988 Lord! I Am; 1 St. Mary was also with Jesus, reminding me of the vision I had when I was only 10 years old. 2 Our Lord really emphasised this sentence ever so much! come to Me all you who thirst, come! come and drink! I will fill you with everlasting water from My Well that never runs dry; 3 Vassula, do not neglect Me! I am the All-Faithful; be by My side; we, us? we, us? Yes, Lord. Yes, St. Mary. Thank You, Lord. May Your Name be blessed. Praised be the Lord! May 25, 1988 (This morning I was very busy. It was somewhat difficult to discern the Lord and talk together. Later on I sat to have my lunch at the veranda. While I was eating I suddenly saw interiorly with the eyes of my soul, the Lord, sitting at table with me, watching me eat. He said, “ Is this good? ” I said: “Yes, Lord it is, thank You, Lord.” There was a slight pause, then He asked me: “ Do you want Me to bless your food? ” I replied: "Yes, Lord, do." So Jesus blessed my food. He stayed with me until I finished. Then I thanked Him for the food. This was to show me that I could ask Him to bless my food before I eat.) beloved, endeavour to ask for My blessings; I will bless your food; Yes, Lord, thank You for teaching me. Vassula, I love you; I will be your Heavenly Teacher till the end; Thank You Jesus. Lord, I invoked St. Francis and prayed to him. Does he hear me when I pray to him? nothing goes by unheard; everything is heard in Heaven; he has heard you; Saint Francis is by your side; come, we, us? 3Jesus looked at me after having paused.