True Life in God Messages

226 True Life in God Notebook 24 I am; never doubt, Vassula; everything comes from Me; write: (Jesus means my feeling of ‘vibration’ in His Presence. Jesus gave me images of His Crucifixion again, of how every drop of blood He had shed on earth was for us. He showed me His Face of agony on the Cross, bruised, black and blue, covered with sweat and blood, His Hair stuck together with Blood and His Eyes filled with His Blood from His pierced Forehead. All of this for me, for us.) Altar! keep your flame ablaze for the consummation of My Church! come, together; feel My Presence; May 16, 1988 Jesus? I am; come, keep My teachings in your mind; I am your Divine Teacher dictating to you; Vassula, in less than two years I have taught you many of My Divine Works, ever so mysterious to men and for their ability to fathom them; you see, My child, these Divine Works are beyond human understanding; many souls do not respond to My Works for these souls seldom want to change; Lord? What do You mean by ‘change’? these souls are attached to the world, to what is material; even though they call themselves spiritual, 1 they are not since they cling on what they see with their physical eyes and touch with their body; they are stubborn, living aridly; their heart will not open to let My Divinity 1 1 Co. 1:14: “An unspiritual person is one who does not accept anything of the Spirit of God: he sees it all as nonsense…” (Anybody who denies God’s supernatural works of Mercy cannot be spiritual.) pour into them; 2 yes, there are many factors that obstruct them from dwelling in My Light; I have said and will repeat again and again these very important words: “anyone who does not welcome the Kingdom of God like a little child, will never enter it”; be innocent, believe in a child-like-faith, then My Divine Light will encompass you and you, like a flower, will face the sun and open, allowing My Light to pour in you; understand, My beloved children, that I am with you always; 3 I love you inexhaustibly; Jesus, will You remain teaching us? all that I have to say will be written; I am always near you, loving you, teaching you; let those that have ears, listen: it is I, Jesus, your Lord, manifesting Myself through this instrument; I have never abandoned you; (Jesus looked at me.) Vassula, I will teach you to progress; (Later on:) Jesus? I am; pray for all those souls who have not yet understood the Holy Bible and who misinterpret so many parts of It; cutting out entire parts which could enlighten you, eradicating rich factors that could illumine you; listen and try to understand: “there once was a sower who prepared an enormous field; he chose the finest grain to sow and produce the best wheat! now, when the harvest was ready to be reaped, and what a rich harvest it was, his enemy sent out a bunch of crows to 2 The sacerdotal souls, like the Bishops of Garabandal and Medjugorje, who declared war on our Holy Mother’s apparitions. 3 We should not be surprised at supernatural approaches. They are not fairy tales.