True Life in God Messages

Notebook 24 True Life in God 225 My beloved, I will, for this is My desire for every soul; I, the Lord, have chosen for you this road; you will adore Me, your God, in silence; 1 I and you, secluded, living for Me; enjoy My creation, love Me, see Me in My creation; love My creation; Vassula; (Jesus looked at me. Stopping for a while, He joined His Hands together, His Elbows on His Knees, His Hands hanging. His Holy Face is looking at me. His Hair is long and loose, very light chestnut-blonde with red reflections.) Vassula? Yes, Lord. give Me your heart and I will place it in the depths of My Sacred Heart; enter into My Sacred Heart ... enter here; (Jesus pointed to His Heart with His Index finger.) O come! I have been calling you ever since you were born! I have reserved a place for you, Vassula! Vassula! Lord! I have given You my heart already, my life, all is Yours! ah Vassula, try and perceive My Will; listen to My Heartbeats; every beat is a call for you; why do you resist Me? Lord? I am; Lord, may I tell You something in Your Ear? I am listening; (Here I said something to Jesus.) 1God has given me the grace of meditation. With this I need to be alone... enter My Sacred Heart and rest in there, (I asked something else here to Jesus.) yes, let it be so; I love you; I love You, Lord. (Later on:) (I always feel so sad that certain people reject St. Mary as ‘Mother of God’. I felt terribly sad and wept over Her. I wanted to console Her. Then Satan attacked me.) Vassula reserve your tears I hate all those martyrs putain _______ Go! Satan go! go behind me, Satan! ...Lord Jesus? I am; I will show to you now and then how the devil despises you and My Holy Ways, those ways I am teaching you; if you shed tears of love for My Mother it infuriates the devil; blessed are those who live in My House and are able to recognise your Holy Mother as “Mother of God” and “Queen of Heaven”; come, beloved, I will bless you; 2 I bless you, My Vassula; I bless You, Jesus. (I touched His Holy Head.) Thank You for teaching me. come, remember! 3 let us share! we, us! Yes, Lord; we, us. May 12, 1988 Lord? 2 Jesus stood up, placed His Hand on my head and blessed me. 3 With His Finger like a teacher, He said: “remember”.