True Life in God Messages

224 True Life in God Notebook 24 beloved of My Soul; this stolen Crown I will return to him; I will overthrow the false kingdoms which sallowed My Body, floating kingdoms, kingdoms without roots; I will reverse these false kingdoms and raise up in My Light like a Torch, My Real Kingdom, and to Peter, I will give entirely back his Seat, enthroning him; and I will place into his hand an iron sceptre in which I will give him the power to reign as shepherd; I will amass My scattered lambs, 1 and when I have done this, I will encircle this Fold with My Arms and no one! no one! not even the evil one will be able to steal one single lamb out of this Fold; My Cape, I will spread over them and shelter them in My warmth, protecting them; to Peter I shall give back what I had given him when I was on earth and in flesh; no man will transgress the bounds of My Will, for all that is now, is your doing, not Mine; I abhor anarchy and rebellion against Me; Vassula! betrothed! brothers! every step you take, I the Lord bless; I, the Lord, whom you seek will suddenly come into My Temple; I am at your door knocking, will you let Me in? with Me, I carry My Salvation Plan; My Scroll has been written and is ready for consumption; it should be mentioned that I relayed My Salvation Plan of Peace and Love to honour Peter’s Seat as it should have been honoured; I come to give him back his shepherd’s Crown; approach Peter ... approach Peter ... approach your Lord; Thank You, Lord. weary not of writing; we, us? Yes, Lord; we, us. 1 I had a vision ofAngels trying to push together the lambs into the fold. May 10, 1988 My Lord? I am; lean on Me entirely; I am your Peace; come, do not succumb into temptation; learn from Me, remembering My ways; pray, pray, pray; let every word uttered from your lips be a prayer which reaches heaven rising up like incense; be in constant bonds with Me; lift your mind to Me; think of Me only; all that you have and which is good comes from Me; I revived you; write it; (Jesus, sitting near me, placed His Hand on my shoulder.) I have formed you, I will encircle you all with My Arms; flower, speak to Me, you have lessened your conversations with Me; I am giving you everything; I share My Works with you, so do the same to Me, your Holy Companion, your Spouse; I want to share with you your daily activities! My Vassula, when your lips open to utter any word let them utter only holy words, let them utter prayers; be in constant prayer; Lord, how is this possible, Lord? I will tell you; let your attitude, your thoughts, your wishes, your meditations, your reflections, your services, your needs, everything! let them be a prayer: My Image; every scope given to you should enliven within you a holiness, this holiness which was given to you by Me but souls have forgotten how to use it; I have given to each soul this gift; I will enliven this grace which now lies dormant within you all; I love holiness; Would You, Lord, with Your grace, make me then holy?