True Life in God Messages

220 True Life in God Notebook 24 to the days He was on earth. All is alive and it’s wonderful!) Vassula, all I want is Love; glory be to God for teaching those things to mere children and hiding them from the learned and wise; (While saying this, Jesus’ Beautiful Head had turned upward. Jesus felt very pleased that I do not try and rationalise all this. He likes us to believe blindly and innocently in a naive manner.) I am the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End; (I felt His Presence so very strongly. God’s “vibrations” were making my whole body and soul “vibrate”; it’s difficult to put this into words. At the same time His Peace was enveloping me; all this put together gives me a wonderful feeling. It was as though I had plunged into a sea of love. I felt transparent. I felt so happy that tears of happiness ran down my cheeks.) never doubt of My Presence; Vassula, remain now near Me; pray, I will hear you; (Jesus meant right away in the state He has put me in. I prayed.) I heard every word; (I prayed the ‘Our Father’, but very slowly, with my heart, while my tears never ceased, because of the state of happiness I was in.) come, I and you, you and I, together always and forever; I, Jesus, love you, soul; we, us; (Later on:) Vassula, I am happy to have you near Me; ah Vassula, how many times I feared for you; Satan hates you and is determined to thwart My Plans; in his fury he creates all your agonies; he lies to you, accusing you to bring you to despair; daughter, I had forewarned you of his attacks; blessed one, do not give way to Satan; cling on Me; I am helping you to surmount all temptations; Vassula, remember how Satan approaches you easier if you fall asleep; so be alert child, always on the wake; be on your guard; By praying, Lord? yes, by praying: pray, pray, pray; (Jesus makes me understand that prayer keeps off Satan. Prayers that reach Him.) May 1, 1988 Vassula, listen to My Voice, and synchronise with Me; reflect on My Absoluteness; 1 lift your mind to Me, your home is in My Sacred Heart; My Holy Spirit aroused you; daughter, everything you discerned is correct; (When Jesus was saying: “ My Holy Spirit aroused you; ” I first saw a dove fluttering above some corpses, among them I laid too. Then from Heaven came a beam of Light falling on me, raising me.) Vassula, are you willing to continue with My Works? Oh yes, Lord! if You still want me. Remember my incapacity, Lord, and help me. I thank You for having so much patience with me. Thank You for pouring upon me Your gifts which I do not merit. I love You, Lord, to death. I love you and I bless you, daughter; My Works will enlighten many hidden Works of Mine that received abuses from 1 I should meditate on God’s Omnipotence and God’s Eternity.