True Life in God Messages

218 True Life in God Notebook 24 different peoples in different ages; Vassula, how is it that your era cannot observe My Signs anymore? have I, at anytime said, that I will end revealing Myself and My Signs? your era is dead, and it is through their own finger that they have devastated themselves ... I am the Lord of Lords, the Living God; why is it that you want Me silent? why is it that you want Me dead? Vassula, I have been showing you and am showing you what My creation has become; understand, by being bonded to Me, you are being dragged along with Me; I am dragging you with Me, crossing this wilderness, showing you, pointing out all what was, what has been and what is remaining; I am thinning out those briars and cutting out those thorns so that they do not harm you, for if they touched you they would pierce you, ripping you apart, My child, tearing you into shreds; I am with you, opening and clearing your passage; I love you boundlessly and I do not want those thorns to snatch you and pierce you on our way, wounding you to death! I know how their mere approach to you suffices to leave you in total agony; I see all this, My Vassula, and My Heart is profoundly wounded; but, beloved, all these sacrifices are not in vain; ah, how I love you soul; who seeks Me will find Me; knock and I will open the door; come, I will remind you of My Presence; April 25, 1988 (I’ve read as usual the three prayers, and twice “Glory be to God” was said.) My God, is it really You? I am; daughter, in spite of your incapacity to fathom My gifts I pour upon you, I love you boundlessly; live for Me; have Me as first; My House is in ruin, Vassula, I want it rebuilt; I will show you how; Love desires love; talk to Me as now; feel Me; near you, I am; come to Me freely; open your heart to Me, treat Me as a friend, as your Father, nevertheless never forgetting that I am Holy and your God; tell them that homely words coming from within their heart are sweeter than sophisticated words coming from their lips; do not treat Me as a stranger; I, the Lord, bless you; April 26, 1988 (Yesterday while talking to My sister about what God wants me to do, in the heat of the conversation I found myself saying: “O babas mou ipé na ...” meaning: “Abba told me to ...” In other words: “Daddy told me to ...” I found myself calling in a very natural way God as ‘Daddy’ in Greek. I quickly stopped because I saw my sister gaping at me. I put my hand on my mouth and explained to her that I was speaking of God, calling Him ‘Daddy’, without meaning to. For so very often I feel so very near Him, and so many times I say that I have two families; one that I was given here on earth, but up there lives my true and real Holy Family.) little one, stay beneath My Cape; near Me you are safe from Satan’s aggressions; yes, he is redoubling his efforts, setting all sorts of traps; he is hounding you, My child; scheming; he is in total frenzy with all that has to come; I am telling you this, My child, so that you redouble your prayers; Lord, do You wish me to fast? Will it help, Lord? will you fast? If You wish me to…