True Life in God Messages

216 True Life in God Notebook 23 yes, seek My interests and you will understand; I know it is harsh to live in among the world for you no longer belong to the world; I have made known to you your origins, and to whom you belonged from the very beginning, but the evil one had deceived you all along; you belonged to Me, you come from Me, you are My own, like Abel, who was My seed; having you in the world, the world does not recognise you as their own and because of this they will try to ensnare you; I have you among wickedness and where they will try and destroy you; they will scorn at you and deject you; I revealed to you all these things so that you are prepared before time and to enable you to endure all the trials, all the trials lying before you; I have shown you your cross, but I am with you sharing it with you, you are not alone; I am near you, and in Me you will find your rest; courage, daughter; lean on Me when you are weary and I will rest you and I will console you; come, smile at Me; do not forget what I have been teaching you; never doubt of My Presence; spread My Kingdom, daughter; I love all of you; What will give You more glory, decide for me, amen. (Our Holy Mother). Vassula, since you give the Lord this freedom know that He is pleased with you; a better Guide you cannot have; Wisdom will instruct you; be pliant and leave everything into His Hands; it pleases the Lord; lean entirely on God; I love you, be blessed; I bless You St. Mary. we, us? Yes, we, us. April 18, 1988 (I only thought of Jesus.) I am, peace be with you, soul; reap what I have given you; teach My children, teach them to cease rebelling against Me, teach them to love each other; pray for the redemption of souls, pray for the World Council of Churches, pray for the Great Return; your era is dead, pray for the renewal of your era, for its rebirth, for a New Era; pray for what My beloved Johannes1 started under the inspiration of My Holy Spirit; 2My ecclesia will be one, renewed by Me, drawing many souls back into My arms! My sheep have all gone astray, Satan has brought down his wrath among you, dividing you, splitting you, scattering you, confusing you ... Peter! O Peter recognise the End of Times, how is it that most of you cannot tell the Times? shadowed by Satan under his wings, Satan has digressed many of you from the Truth! take My Hand, Peter, and I will guide you; hear My cry, assemble your Eastern brothers, call them to meet Me under My roof; assemble your Eastern brothers into My Foundation; call them before Me; how I desire this Unity! Peter? Peter, if you listen to Me I will summon all nations under My roof; I will sanctify them, renewing them all; I will pour from heaven My dew of Righteousness like rain and My Garden will embellish; I will fill up your storages from My Storages; listen, Peter, to My Voice; My Kingdom is at your very doors; My Kingdom is among you, how is it that you do not recognise it? Peter, you knew that any kingdom which is divided against itself would collapse; My House has been divided and today It lies in ruin; tell them, 1Pope John XXIII. 2He prayed for Unity and a Second Pentecost.